STS-129 Mission Updates: Part 1

Shuttle AstronautsSay Goodbye to Space Station
24 November 2009 12:49 p.m. EST
With hugs and farewells all around, the seven astronauts setto depart on the shuttle Atlantis Wednesday said goodbye to the five remainingspaceflyers on the International Space Station. The astronauts are now closingthe hatches between the two spacecraft.
Before giving the shuttle crew the okay to go ahead, MissionControl wanted to make sure they had transferred over their last piece of cargo? item 914, A.K.A. astronaut Nicole Stott, who is joining the shuttle crew forthe ride home on Atlantis. As a joke, the crew taped a "914" sign toher back to make sure not to forget her.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Command of Space StationChanges Over
24 November 2009 10:13 a.m. EST
Space station Expedition 21 commander Frank DeWinne ofBelgium officially handed over command to NASA astronaut Jeff Williams.
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"It has been an honor, a pleasure, and a privilege tobe able to work with this exceptional crew," DeWinne said. "As thefirst European commander, it has been a great honor to be able to fulfill thisrole."
The astronauts decided to hold the ceremony today, ratherthan wait until DeWinne departs from the station next week, as is usual, becausethey wanted to include Expedition 21 flight engineer Nicole Stott, who is dueto ride home to Earth with the STS-129 crew aboard Atlantis.
Clickhere for a preview of today's activities in space.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Wake to MarineCorps Music
24 November 2009 5:29 a.m. EST
The seven STS-129 crewmembers awoke early this morning fortheir last day docked at the International Space Station. The spaceflyers wereroused by the "The Marine Corps Hymn," performed by the Marine CorpsBand. The song was played especially for commander Charlie Hobaugh.
Clickhere for a preview of today's activities in space.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Complete ThirdSpacewalk
23 November 2009 2:06 p.m. EST
Spacewalkers Satcher and Bresnik are back inside thestation, and have closed and locked the hatch, wrapping up the mission's third andfinal spacewalk. Bresnik took time to thank his wife Rebecca for giving birthto the couple's first daughter Saturday.
"I got to see my little girl for the first timeyesterday," Bresnik said at the end of his spacewalk. "Thank you tomy wonderful wife for bringer her into the world. That is the most beautifulthing I've seen since I left Earth."
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Head Back to theAirlock
23 November 2009 1:47 p.m. EST
Satcher and Bresnik have taken some final snapshots in spaceand have been told to head back to the Quest airlock to wrap up theirspacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
All Primary Spacewalk TasksCompleted
23 November 2009 1:26 p.m. EST
The two spacewalkers have finished all their primaryspacewalk tasks and are doing some final work before getting ready to head backinto the space station to wrap up the mission's third spacewalk.
The astronauts are trying to account for a small object thatappeared to float away from Satcher's workstation earlier, though they think itis likely just a small wire tie and poses no major problem.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Work on StationMaintenance Chores
23 November 2009 12:48 p.m. EST
The spacewalkers are continuing to run ahead of schedule.Randy Bresnkik is now working on attaching insulating covers to cameras on thestation's robotic arm. Bobby Satcher is doing some chores outside the ExpressLogistics Carrier 1, a large cargo platform the shuttle Altantis delivered tothe station last week.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Move to CompleteSeparate Tasks
23 November 2009 12:08 p.m. EST
Satcher and Bresnik are parting company to work on separatechores. Satcher will release a bolt on an ammonia tank assembly to prepare fora future spacewalk to install a replacement tank.
Meanwhile Bresnik will install some equipment on thestation's truss railing.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Tie Down OrbitalDebris Shields
23 November 2009 11:42 a.m. EST
The astronauts have almostcompleted the job of tying down some micrometeoroid and orbital debris shieldson top of an external cargo stowage platform. The shields will protect thecargo from being hurt by small pieces of trash or rock orbiting in space.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Running Ahead ofSchedule
23 November 2009 11:20 a.m. EST
The spacewalkers have almost finishedtheir work at the oxygen tank, and are breezing through their major tasks forthe day. They are currently running about 20 minutes ahead of schedule.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Add Massive GasTank to Station
23 November 2009 10:58 a.m. EST
Spacewalkers Randy Bresnik andRobert Satcher are finishing up attaching a huge pressurized oxygen gas tanknear the space station's Quest Airlock. The station's robotic arm just releasedits hold on the tank. Satcher is now taking pictures of the work being done.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Attach New ScienceExperiment
23 November 2009 10:27 a.m. EST
Spacewalker Randy Bresnik hassuccessfully installed a new experiment ? the seventh Materials InternationalSpace Station Experiment, or MISSE 7, on the space station.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Work to InstallNew Equipment
23 November 2009 10:07 a.m. EST
While an oxygen gas tank is beingtransported via robotic arm to its destination near the Quest airlock, Satcheris already in place helping to pave the way for its installation there.
Meanwhile Bresnik is stillworking to deploy two experiment boxes on the Express Logistics Carrier 2, acargo platform that Atlantis delivered to the station last week.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Transfer Gas Tankto Robotic Arm
23 November 2009 9:37 a.m. EST
Satcher and Bresnik havesuccessfully transferred the new oxygen tank to the space station's roboticarm, which is being operated by mission specialist Leland Melvin from insidethe station. Melvin will now move the tank to its permanent home on the station.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronaut Carries NewExperiment to Station Truss
23 November 2009 9:21 a.m. EST
Spacewalker Randy Bresnik hasstrapped two boxes of a science experiment onto his back to carry them to theirnew home on the International Space Station.
"Hey, Wyatt, I look justlike Spiderman," Bresnik called, addressing his young son, Wyatt, at homein Houston with Bresnik's wife Rebecca and their new baby daughter, Abigail,who was born Saturday after Bresnik completed his first career spacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Work to InstallNew Experiment
23 November 2009 8:55 a.m. EST
Bresnik is working now to installthe seventh Materials International Space Station Experiment, or MISSE 7, onthe space station.
Meanwhile, Satcher has moved overto a cargo pallet attached to the station's truss, where an oxygen gas tank isattached. He and Bresnik plan to transfer the tank to a spot near the Questairlock where the spacewalkers recently exited the station.
Clickhere for a preview of today's spacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Exit Space StationHatch
23 November 2009 8:39 a.m. EST
Spacewalkers Randy Bresnik andRobert Satcher have stepped out of the station's Quest Airlock Hatch and movedinto space to begin today's spacewalk.
The astronauts' first major taskof the day will be to install a new oxygen gas tank on the station.
Clickhere for a preview of today's spacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalk Officially Begins!
23 November 2009 8:24 a.m. EST
STS-129 mission specialists RandyBresnik and Robert Satcher have opened the hatch on the International SpaceStation and switched their spacesuits to battery power, officially beginningthe mission's third spacewalk.
Bresnik and Satcher plan toinstall a new oxygen gas tank, a materials experiment and complete other tasks.
Clickhere for a preview of today's spacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts BeginDepressurizing Airlock
23 November 2009 7:55 a.m. EST
Astronauts have begun todepressurize the Quest airlock on the International Space Station to preparefor Randy Bresnik and Robert Satcher to open the hatch and step out into spacefor their mission's third spacewalk.
The outing is set to begin todayat 8:18 a.m. EST (1318 GMT).
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Prepare to BeginSpacewalk
23 November 2009 7:13 a.m. EST
Mission specialists Randy Bresnikand Robert Satcher are proceeding smoothly with preparations to begin today'sspacewalk, the third planned for their docked STS-129 mission at the spacestation.
The two spacewalkers are stillabout an hour behind schedule after taking time off to fix an issue with thedrink bag in Satcher's suit. Since then, preparations have been on track. Theyplan to switch their suits to battery power and officially begin the spacewalktoday at 8:18 a.m. EST (1318 GMT).
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacesuit Problem Repaired
23 November 2009 6:44 a.m. EST
Astronauts have successfullyrepaired the problem on Bobby Satcher's spacesuit by replacing the loose valveon his drink bag. He should be all set to proceed with suiting up and checkingthe pressurized suit for leaks, though the work has put the astronauts behindschedule. They may be able to make some of the time up, though.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacesuit Issue DelaysSpacewalk Today
23 November 2009 6:35 a.m. EST
Astronauts aboard theInternational Space Station are helping Bobby Satcher and Randy Bresnik dontheir pressurized spacesuits for a planned spacewalk today. However, theastronauts ran into an issue with the drink bag in Satcher's suit, which allowshim to drink water during the spacewalk. The valve attached to it came looseand they are working to replace it.
This minor glitch should befixable, but has delayed the planned start time of today's spacewalk to 8:18a.m. EST (1318 GMT), an hour later than planned.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Suit Up forSpacewalk
23 November 2009 6:21 a.m. EST
Astronauts Randy Bresnik andRobert "Bobby" Satcher are suiting up for their mission's thirdspacewalk, set to begin at 7:18 a.m. EST (1218 GMT).
The spaceflyers are having sometrouble with a drink valve on Satcher's suit, which may set them back on the timeline.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts to Take Time Off,Celebrate Baby?s Birth
22 November 2009 8:03 a.m. EST
Astronauts aboard the linkedshuttle Atlantis and International Space Station have some much-deserved timeoff on their schedule today, with one of them ? spaceflyer Randy Bresnik ?reveling in the birthof his baby daughter Abigail Mae.
Clickhere for the full story on Bresnik?s daughter.
Mission Control roused the crewearly Sunday with the song ?Butterfly Kisses? by Bob Carlisle, a tune about afather and daughter beamed to Bresnik at the request of his wife Rebecca.
-- Tariq Malik
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronaut Still Awaits News ofBaby Daughter's Birth
21 November 2009 5:12 p.m. EST
Astronaut Randy Bresnik, whocompleted his first spacewalk today, has been expecting any minute to hearabout the birth of a baby to his wife Rebecca, who was induced into laborFriday. NASA said there is still no word, but that everyone is eagerly awaitinggood news.
"The Bresnik launchcountdown clock has got some unpredictable and variable holds in it," saidlead flight director Brian Smith during a briefing. "We certainly wishthem all the best and hope that soon their baby is born."
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Close Hatch toComplete Spacewalk
21 November 2009 3:33 p.m. EST
Both Mike Foreman and RandyBresnik have come back inside the space station's Quest airlock and closed thehatch behind them, capping of this second STS-129 spacewalk.
The outing lasted about sixhours, and the spacewalkers completed all the tasks on the checklist, plus someget-ahead work.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Foreman Back Inside theAirlock
21 November 2009 3:18 p.m. EST
Spacewalker Mike Foreman hascompleted his excursion outside the space station and come back inside the QuestAirlock. His crewmate Randy Bresnik (who's call sign is "Comrade") ison his way.
"Come on in, Comrade,water's fine," Foreman called.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast the STS-129mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Head Back Inside
21 November 2009 3:00 p.m. EST
The two astronauts outside theInternational Space Station are headed back inside the spacecraft afterspending about six hours on a spacewalk. Mission specialists Mike Foreman andRandy Bresnik completed all the tasks scheduled for them ahead of theirtimeline, and even had time to take on some extra work.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Install SecondCargo Fixture
21 November 2009 2:07 p.m. EST
The two astronauts outside theInternational Space Station have completed their installation of a secondsystem to attach cargo to the station's railing. This task was a get-ahead jobthat was originally planned to be undertaken during the mission's thirdspacewalk on Monday. The astronauts breezed through the job, though.
"This is the STS-129contribution to the station," said mission specialist Robert"Bobby" Satcher from inside the orbiting laboratory.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts to Tackle AnotherCargo Fixture Attachment
21 November 2009 1:21 p.m. EST
Spacewalkers Mike Foreman and RandyBresnik did so well installing a first empty cargo platform on the spacestation that Mission Controllers decided to have them tackle another, sincethey are running far ahead of schedule.
The idea to complete anothercargo pallet attachment was shuttle commander Charlie Hobaugh's.
"Great work, you and Comradeboth," Hobaugh told Foreman, referring to Bresnik by his call sign."Way to kick butt."
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Finish Attachinga New Cargo Platform
21 November 2009 1:01 p.m. EST
Astronauts Mike Foreman and RandyBresnik have successfully installed an empty cargo platform on the spacestation meant to hold spare parts to be delivered on future shuttle missions.
The spacewalkers are continuingto run about an hour ahead of schedule, so Mission Control is consideringassigning them some "get-ahead" tasks to tack on to the end of theirexcursion.
"They're really kicking button the timeline here," said STS-129 commander Charlie Hobaugh from insidethe station. He asked the two spacewalkers if they'd be up for another jobnearby their position on the station's S3 truss, and they said they were goodto go.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Installing aCargo Holder on the Station
21 November 2009 12:19 p.m. EST
Foreman and Bresnik have moved onto the S3 segment of the truss, where they are working to install a new cargoattachment system to the station where future crews can store spare parts.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Successfully MoveAntenna Box
21 November 2009 11:37 a.m. EST
The spacewalkers havesuccessfully moved an antenna box, called the Floating Potential MeasurementUnit, from the starboard to port side of the space station's metal truss frame.They are still moving a bit ahead of schedule and Mission Control isconsidering adding some get-ahead tasks for the astronauts to work on if theyfinish their scheduled jobs early.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Relocate StationPart
21 November 2009 11:02 a.m. EST
Bresnik and Foreman havecompleted their work at the Columbus lab and have moved over to the station'sS-1 backbone-like truss, where they will move a box from the starboard to portside to make way for future equipment to be added.
The spacewalk is going smoothly,though Foreman has been having some trouble hearing Mission Control clearlythrough his communication system. So far they have been able to work around theissue, though.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Ahead of Scheduleon Spacewalk
21 November 2009 10:36 a.m. EST
The two astronauts conducting aspacewalk outside the International Space Station today are moving about 40minutes ahead of schedule and have accomplished all their tasks so far with noissues.
Mission specialist Mike Foremanis attaching cables and routing power wires, while Randy Bresnik works tosecure a new antenna to the Columbus laboratory.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Work At ColumbusLaboratory
21 November 2009 10:18 a.m. EST
Spacewalkers Randy Bresnik andMike Foreman have moved over to the station's European Columbus laboratory towork at installing a new set of antennas there.
The spacewalk is progressingsmoothly so far, and the spacewalkers are even running a bit ahead of schedule.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast the STS-129mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Gather NewEquipment
21 November 2009 10:04 a.m. EST
Spacewalkers Randy Bresnik and MikeForeman are at the shuttle Atlantis' payload bay collecting new equipment froma tool box there that they plan to install on the International Space Station.
Bresnik, who is making his firstcareer spacewalk, admired the view from outside the spacecraft.
"Other than seeing my wifefor the first time, I don?t think I've ever seen a more beautiful sight,"he said.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Exit SpaceStation
21 November 2009 9:48 a.m. EST
Spacewalkers Randy Bresnik andMike Foreman have stepped out of the International Space Station on the secondspacewalk planned for their STS-129 mission.
This is Bresnik's very firstspacewalk, and the first of two he plans to undertake on this trip. In anotherfirst for the day, his wife Rebecca is set to give birth to their firstdaughter today.
Clickhere for a look at today?s spacewalk.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Begin SecondSpacewalk
21 November 2009 9:33 a.m. EST
Mission Specialists Randy Bresnikand Mike Foreman switched their spacesuits onto battery power, officiallybeginning the second spacewalk of their STS-129 mission.
The spaceflyers plan to spendabout six hours outside of the International Space Station to install new videoantennas and other equipment.
Clickhere for a look at today?s spacewalk. Today is Flight Day 6 ofAtlantis? 11-day STS-129 mission to the space station.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts DepressurizeAirlock for Spacewalk
21 November 2009 9:03 a.m. EST
Astronauts Randy Bresnik and MikeForeman are depressurizing the space station's Quest airlock in preparation fortheir planned spacewalk today at 9:38 a.m. EST (1438 GMT).
The two spacewalkers plan tospend about six hours outside the lab to attach some new parts and do maintenanceon the orbiting laboratory. The spacewalk is delayed about half an hour due toa false alarm that woke the astronauts from sleep last night.
Clickhere for a look at today?s spacewalk. Today is Flight Day 6 ofAtlantis? 11-day STS-129 mission to the space station.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Work to DonSpacesuits
21 November 2009 7:18 a.m. EST
Mission specialists Randy Bresnikand Mike Foreman are in the station's Quest airlock, working to put on theirwhite pressurized spacesuits to wear when they venture into the vacuum ofspace.
Their spacewalk is set to beginat 9:38 a.m. EST (1438 GMT) and last about six hours.
Meanwhile, the space station'srobotic arm has just grabbed onto the cargo platform being moved from theshuttle Atlantis' payload bay. It was first lifted out by the shuttle's roboticarm, and has now been transferred onto the station arm, which will carry it tothe truss, or backbone, of the orbiting laboratory.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Shuttle Astronauts Lift SpareParts Platform From Cargo Bay
21 November 2009 6:48 a.m. EST
Astronauts aboard the shuttleAtlantis have lifted a massive cargo platform out of their vehicle's cargo bayusing the shuttle's robotic arm. They plan to transfer this platform, loadedwith giant spare parts for the space station, over to the station's roboticarm, which will attach it to the truss, or backbone, of the orbitinglaboratory.
Meanwhile, mission specialistsRandy Bresnik and Mike Foreman are in the station's Quest airlock preparing tostep out for the second of three spacewalks planned during their mission.
-- Clara Moskowitz
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
False Alarms Wake AstronautsAgain
21 November 2009 2:07 a.m. EST
False alarms rang out on theInternational Space Station for the second night in a row late Friday, wakingthe 12 astronauts aboard the outpost and linked shuttle and stalling apre-spacewalk campout by astronauts Randy Bresnik and Mike Foreman. Watchthe mission live!
The alarms sounded at about 10p.m. EST (0300 Sat. GMT) while all 12 astronauts on the linked station andshuttle Atlantis were sleeping. Bresnik and Foreman were camping out in thestation?s Quest airlock, a process that allows them to sleep at a lowerpressure than the station to purge their bodies of nitrogen in order to preventdeveloping the bends while working outside in their low-pressure NASAspacesuits.
Because of the alarms, thestation automatically interrupted that pre-spacewalk campout and equalized thepressure between the airlock and space station. Ventilation fans shut off too,kicking up dust that set off a smoke alarm in the airlock, but all theastronauts were safe at all times.
But the time required to reset thestation?s systems meant Bresnik and Foreman had to stop their campout. Theywill now have to spend time early Saturday exercising while wearing oxygenfacemasks to purge their bodies of nitrogen ahead of the spacewalk. Theexercise method is a tried and true method for spacewalk preparation.
NASA engineers believe the falsealarms, which also sounded late Thursday, are related to a new Russian modulecalled Poisk, which arrived at the station earlier this month and serves as aresearch area, docking port and airlock.
-- Tariq Malik
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Move Supplies toSpace Station
20 November 2009 12:12 p.m. EST
Astronauts aboard the linkedshuttle Atlantis and International Space Station are hard at work moving suppliesand equipment between their two spacecraft while one member of the crew awaitsword on the birthof his daughter. Watchthe mission live!
Earlier today, the astronautsmoved a massive carrier with tons of huge spare parts out of Atlantis? cargobay and attached it to the station?s main truss. Astronaut Randy Bresnik, meanwhile,is waiting to hear on the birth of his daughter today. His wife Rebecca is backon Earth with her family. The couple have one adopted son Wyatt from Ukraine,who is 3 1/2 years old.
Clickhere to read more about Bresnik?s day in space.
-- Tariq Malik
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Wake Up to SisterSledge
20 November 2009 6:00 a.m. EST
Astronauts aboard the spaceshuttle Atlantis awoke to the song ?We Are Family? by Sister Sledge earlyFriday, a tune selected for mission specialist Leland Melvin. Watchthe mission live!
Today is Flight Day 5 forAtlantis? 11-day mission. The astronauts are expected to spend to day movingcargo between the shuttle and space station.
-- Tariq Malik
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Astronauts Wrap Up 1stSpacewalk
19 November 2009 4:05 p.m. EST
Astronauts Mike Foreman andRobert Satcher, Jr. have started repressurizing the stations? Quest airlock, officiallyending today?s spacewalk outside the space station at 4:01 p.m. EST (2101 GMT).Watchit live!
Total spacewalking time: 6 hours,37 minutes.
The spacewalk began at 9:24 a.m.EST (1424 GMT), with Foreman and Satcher working two hours ahead of schedule tofinish their main chores.
Clickhere for wrap up of today?s orbital work.
-- Tariq Malik
NASA will broadcast theSTS-129 mission live on NASA TV. Clickhere for NASA TV feed or follow the NASA TV link at theupper left on this page
Spacewalkers Return to StationAirlock
19 November 2009 3:57 p.m. EST
Spacewalkers Mike Foreman andRobert Satcher, Jr. are back inside the Quest airlock as they near the end of today?ssuccessful work outside the International Space Station.
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