ENDER'S GAME Teaser Teased, STAR TREK Reviews Well, More

IMAX Poster for Star Trek Into Darkness
IMAX Poster for Star Trek Into Darkness (Image credit: Paramount)

Ender's Teaser for a Teaser Trailer

Why did we let this become a thing, internet? Anyway, the first Ender's Game teaser trailer will appear during a Google + Hangout on Tuesday, May 7 at 1:00pm PDT/4:00pm EDT. The hangout will include star Asa Butterfield, director Gavin Hood, and producer Bob Orci talking about the film and showing off the teaser trailer.

But first, like you do, here's a teaser for the teaser.

Star Trek Into Darkness Reviews Begin

After the London premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness, the reviews have started to come in, and things are looking good for the sophomore effort of the reboot. With 16 reviews counted so far, Rotten Tomatoes has the film at an 88% fresh rating, tracking above Iron Man 3's 77%.

Of course, with full reviews come spoilers, including a twist, so if you're trying to go in fresh, try to skip those until you see it for yourself.

Iron Man 3 is Gonna Be Huge

From the "Duh, and/or Hello" department, new projections have Iron Man 3 being a huge success. Apparently, after seeing it set international records and pass $300 million (and Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 1's entire international gross) in about a week and a half, the new industry projections are for it to far exceed original expectations. $150-175 million (a huge margin) is the new projection, depending on which Hollywood site you listen to, and the movie has the possibility to hit $600 million worldwide after its first domestic weekend.

Where would that put it? Well, if it hits $161 million or higher, it will be the second highest opening for a comic book movie ever, below only Marvel's The Avengers at a staggering $207.4 million. The other numbers are even bigger - the original Iron Man had a worldwide gross of $585mil, while Iron Man 2 hit a worldwide total of $623.9mil; surpassing those totals in one weekend of domestic opening would make a lot of people at Marvel Studios - and Robert Downey Jr's agent currently negotiating his next appearances as Tony Stark - very happy.

Iron Man is a Big Part of Avengers 2

For those lucky enough to have seen Iron Man 3 already, you may have noticed at the very end, it teases "Tony Stark will return" in a very James Bond style. Well, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige had a conversation with SuperHeroHype just hours before the movie's debut, and has plenty of fresh teases for fans.

The "Extremis" storyline has been an idea for a film since the very beginning. Feige said he used to joke with Downey and Favreau about how cool it was and say, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's Part 3," since before they were even filming 1. Ultimately, he said, "we did not want to have Iron Man vs. a guy in a metal suit at the end of the movie," and that's what "led back to where it all started with Extremis."

As for future films, Feige says that bringing street-level heroes like Daredevil into this world "frankly would be easy." He says that Thor: The Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy's explorations of "literally the other side of the Marvel Universe" is the harder part.

Iron Man's immediate future definitely rests in Avengers 2, and Feige thinks there will be more beyond that.

"Currently, as you may imagine, Iron Man is a big part of Avengers 2 and that’s what we’re focusing on and what Joss (Whedon) is focusing on. So where we go after that remains to be seen, but certainly, Avengers 2 being the next appearance, the next storyline for Iron Man. Do I think there will be another Iron Man movie? Of course I do. Who will be in that movie and who will be a part of that movie? Who knows? And how far down the line will it be? Will it be right after Avengers 2, will it be a few years after Avengers 2? Who knows?"

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Freelance journalist

After a long stint as Site Editor for Newsarama, Lucas Siegel now lives that sweet, sweet freelance journalist lifestyle in Brooklyn. He studied Communication and Journalism at the University of Iowa, and later attended Harper College where he continued his studies in Journalism and also took up History.