Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – Oct. 13, 2013

Quick Fusion-Powered Trips to Mars No Fantasy, Scientists Say

University of Washington, MSNW

Researchers are working on a new fusion rocket that could get astronauts to Mars in 90 days. How would it work? [Full Story]

NEXT: Astronaut Leroy Chiao: 'Gravity' Works, If You Don't Focus on the Physics

Astronaut Leroy Chiao: 'Gravity' Works, If You Don't Focus on the Physics

Warner Bros. Pictures

Astronaut and former International Space Station commander Leroy Chiao reviews the new space film 'Gravity.' [Full Story]

NEXT: Incredible Technology: How to Use 'Shells' to Terraform a Planet

Incredible Technology: How to Use 'Shells' to Terraform a Planet

Ken Roy/Tennessee Valley Interstellar Workshop

Engineering a shell around the outside of a small planet could be the way to create a new home for humanity sometime in the future. [Full Story]

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