'Guardians of the Galaxy' Clip Shows Quick New Looks at Marvel's Space Team (Video)

'Guardians of the Galaxy' Movie Still
A still from the film "Guardians of the Galaxy," a 2014 science fiction movie based on the Marvel Comics line. (Image credit: Marvel Studios)

Is this the official start of the Guardians of the Galaxy media blitz, a full four months before the movie hits theaters? It could be, now that Captain America: The Winter Soldier is in theaters (and a hit), it makes sense that we'll see Marvel Studios looking to the future and their next big thing (as the comic book side of the company loves to say).

The new clip from the movie is a new spot released on MTV in conjunction with their Movie Awards. While it's not offering a ton of new content, we do get a little more Star-Lord, as well as a close (but quick) still of Gamora, Drax, and more - including the Collector, last seen in the after-credits sequence in Thor: The Dark World. Check out the clip below.

This story was provided by Space.com sister site Newsarama. Follow Newsarama on Twitter @Newsarama and on Facebook. Original article on Newsarama.com.

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Freelance journalist

After a long stint as Site Editor for Newsarama, Lucas Siegel now lives that sweet, sweet freelance journalist lifestyle in Brooklyn. He studied Communication and Journalism at the University of Iowa, and later attended Harper College where he continued his studies in Journalism and also took up History.