Best Night Sky Events of May 2014: Stargazing Sky Maps (Gallery)

New Moon, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Wednesday, May 28, 2:40 p.m. EDT. The moon is not visible on the date of New Moon because it is too close to the sun, but can be seen low in the east as a narrow crescent a morning or two before, just before sunrise. It is visible low in the west an evening or two after New Moon. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Mercury, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Mercury is well placed low in the western sky about half an hour after sunset, in the last half of May. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Venus, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Venus is now a “morning star,” rising in the East just before the sun. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Mars, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Mars was in opposition on April 8 and now is shrinking in size and fading in brightness. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Jupiter, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Jupiter shines brightly in the western sky in Gemini at dusk, setting around midnight. The Great Red Spot is easier to see than in many recent years, showing a distinct orange color. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Saturn, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Saturn, in Libra, is in opposition to the sun on May 10, and shines brightly in the southern sky all night. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Uranus, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Uranus emerges from behind the sun late in the month, located in the constellation Pisces. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

Neptune, May 2014

Starry Night Software

Neptune is in Aquarius all month, rising three hours before the sun. See's full May 2014 night sky guide.

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