Vote Now! Best Space Stories of the Week – Aug. 3, 2014

Going Nova: Star Explosions Unleash Gamma-Ray Blasts

NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/ Conceptual Image Lab

July 31 - Gamma rays, the highest energy form of light, are generally associated with extremely violent explosions such as supernovas, but now scientists have seen them coming from less powerful classical novas, researchers say.

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NEXT: NASA's Next Mars Rover to Collect Martian Samples, Carry Lasers

NASA's Next Mars Rover to Collect Martian Samples, Carry Lasers

NASA/Bill Ingalls

July 31 - NASA scientists have announced the instruments that will fly aboard the space agency’s next Mars rover set for launch in 2020.

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NEXT: Oxygen-Generating Mars Rover to Bring Colonization Closer

Oxygen-Generating Mars Rover to Bring Colonization Closer


Aug. 1 - One instrument aboard the 2020 Mars rover will generate oxygen from the Red Planet's atmosphere, demonstrating technology that could both keep astronauts alive on Mars and help them launch into space when it's time to go home.

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NEXT: How to Spot 5 Cosmic Treats in August Night Sky

How to Spot 5 Cosmic Treats in August Night Sky

© Mike Taylor - Taylor Photography

Aug. 1 - Here are five summertime objects that you can readily observe and enjoy with your unaided eyes, binoculars or a small telescope.

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NEXT: 'Impossible' Space Engine May Actually Work, NASA Test Suggests

'Impossible' Space Engine May Actually Work, NASA Test Suggests

NASA/Glenn Research Center

Aug. 1 - It's really starting to look like an "impossible" space propulsion technology actually works.

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