Sarah A. Spitzer

Sarah A. Spitzer

Research Fellow in Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering, University of Michigan

I received a Ph.D. in space science and engineering from the University of Michigan with a focus on Heliophysics in situ observations, especially related to heliospheric and interstellar interactions. I analyzed pickup ion data from ACE/SWICS to track the evolution of the interstellar wind through the heliosphere over a complete solar cycle and worked on the characterization for the geometric factor under laboratory conditions of the Heavy Ion Sensor onboard Solar Orbiter (SO-HIS). During my postdoctoral research, I have been continuing my research on pickup ion measurements and extending the SO-HIS instrument characterization to include a spaceflight voltage analysis as well as a characterization of the detector efficiencies and elevation acceptance ranges.

I additionally hold master's degrees in space science and engineering as well as electrical and computer engineering with a focus in robotics and embedded systems and graduate certificates in plasma science and engineering and graduate teaching. I have a bachelor's degree in computer engineering with minors in multidisciplinary design in engineering and in Near Eastern studies.

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