Massive underground laboratory in China joins the quest to find dark matter

a smooth green floor reflects florescent lights shining above plastic-covered shelving, below a row of vents.
The Deep Underground and Ultra-low Radiation Background Facility for Frontier Physics Experiments (DURF) is located beneath Jinping Mountain in Sichuan's Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. (Image credit: CJPL)

Dark matter — an invisible substance that somehow makes up over 80 percent of all matter in the universe — is a phenomenon that frustratingly eludes scientists. Despite being sought after for decades, and providing us with clues that it does indeed exist, dark matter has never been directly detected.

But now, the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) — crowned the world's largest and deepest underground facility after its upgraded phase, CJPL-II — promises to take scientists a step further. It became operational in early December of last year.

Built inside repurposed tunnels running through the Jinping Mountains in China's Sichuan Province, the lab is buried beneath 2,400 meters (1.49 miles) of rock. The reason for its deep, lonely location is that so much rock can reduce background noise found in dark matter data, typically induced by things like cosmic rays (another space mystery for another time.)

Related: How much of the universe is dark matter?

Spread across 330,000 cubic meters, the enormous new facility is home to two upgraded dark matter detectors. The lab also has exceptional horizontal access. "One can drive a bus to the caverns," said Wick Haxton, a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley, who has toured CJPL-II as well as the original laboratory, and was on the laboratory's advisory committee until last year. 

This impressive aspect "makes the construction of large facilities underground less costly and more efficient," Haxton said. "I do not believe there is any other site that combines such great depth with such access."

Detecting the invisible 

Scientists think the dark matter content that permeates our universe doesn't experience many of the interactions that charged particles, like protons and electrons, would, meaning particles thought to make up the mysterious substance could very well glide right through Earth's rock and pass through detectors located even below the surface at China's Jinping lab. 

After all, a key characteristic of dark matter is the fact that it doesn't interact with light, unlike "normal," or baryonic, matter composed of protons and electrons. That's actually why it's fully invisible to us.

In the lab, however, scientists hope potential dark matter particles collide with material in detectors designed to flag these elusive particles. At Jinping, this search is spearheaded by two dark matter experiments, named the Particle and Astrophysical Xenon Experiments (PandaX) and the China Dark Matter Experiment (CDEX). 

Potential dark matter particles colliding with atoms of liquid xenon maintained by the PandaX detector would be flagged by sensors as light flashes. Meanwhile, CDEX's higher-sensitivity germanium detector would tag these mysterious particles as electrical signals. The idea is that, even if nearly every dark matter particle whizzes past the detectors, at least one will accidentally come into contact with either of them.

Specifically, the detectors are hunting for a leading dark matter candidate called WIMPS (short for weakly interacting massive particles), a hypothetical class of particles predicted over three decades ago that have eluded the most sensitive experiments so far. Their presence, known only through the weak nuclear force and gravity, is within the understanding of how we think the universe evolved. In 2021, however, the world's most sensitive WIMP detectors at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory in Italy as well as Jinping reported a null finding.

Another leading alternative for the dark matter particle include axions, also a category of hypothetical particles thought to flood the universe and behave exactly like dark matter. Other exotic interpretations remain, such as the popular but unconfirmed theory that dark matter particles somehow interact with themselves (self-interacting dark matter or SIDM).

Dark matter experts say the upgraded Jinping lab could also help answer more fundamental questions, such as whether "particles" really constitute dark matter. A commonly held notion is that dark matter is primarily made of as yet undetected subatomic particle (or a group of them). But alternate popular (but imperfect theories) of gravity that don't require dark matter to be made up of particles persist.

"At a basic level, we don't know because we've never detected a particle interaction," said Matthew Walker, an astrophysicist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As ambitious as the goal is, detecting a dark matter particle would settle the issue once and for all. "To me, that's the most important thing this experiment could do."

"I'm rooting for them," he added. "We've been waiting a long time to learn what dark matter is."

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Sharmila Kuthunur
Contributing Writer

Sharmila Kuthunur is a Seattle-based science journalist focusing on astronomy and space exploration. Her work has also appeared in Scientific American, Astronomy and Live Science, among other publications. She has earned a master's degree in journalism from Northeastern University in Boston. Follow her on BlueSky

  • Questioner
    If DM particles are zooming through everything around us,
    think about the gravitational stress that puts on atoms, molecules and structure everywhere.
    That would mean many chemical reactions, mircrofractures of structure would be as a direct result of DM actions.
  • billslugg
    Yes, the DM particles are all around us, no they don't have much impact. Their density is too low to notice them. The density of regular matter in the volume of the Solar System inside Earth's orbit is 10^22 times the density of DM. The effects of DM cannot be seen on a scale as small as the Solar System.
  • Questioner
    DM particles aren't massless neutrinos. Each DM particle must carry significant mass which is DM's whole reason to be rationalized.
    Gravity/mass has effects macroscopically as well as microscopicly.

    This means chemistry understanding must incorporate gravity wakes caused by heavy DM particles that don't slow down for anything.
  • billslugg
    "DM particles aren't massless neutrinos" - Q
    I didn't say they were massless, I said they were sterile. The posited neutrino that might make up DM is known as a sterile neutrino. It has mass just like the other neutrinos but it does not interact with matter via the weak force like a regular neutrino does.

    The forces involved in interatomic bonding are so much greater than any forces due to DM, that DM impact is negligible. DM is only significant on galactic scales. No measurement of it can be made locally, that is inside the Solar System.
  • Questioner
    Everything around us would be vibrating with all the DM gravity wakes as these unstoppable particles shoot all through everywhere.
    Everything would be shaking.
  • Questioner
    Maybe we'll give that a name,
    'Dark matter background heat'.
  • billslugg
    Questioner said:
    Everything around us would be vibrating with all the DM gravity wakes as these unstoppable particles shoot all through everywhere.
    Everything would be shaking.

    Correct. But the magnitude is too small to measure in a laboratory. Too small to measure in the Solar System. Only by looking at things the size of a galaxy can we measure it.
  • Atlan0001
    Questioner said:
    Everything around us would be vibrating with all the DM gravity wakes as these unstoppable particles shoot all through everywhere.
    Everything would be shaking.
    It, "everything", does vibrate and shake, It's called "String Theory" even when not called "quantum mechanics."
  • Questioner
    Everything vibrates
    & it's called heat.

    The heat of 'cold dark matter'.

    Hmm, that's got a ring to it.
  • Atlan0001
    Questioner said:
    Everything vibrates
    & it's called heat.

    The heat of 'cold dark matter'.

    Hmm, that's got a ring to it.
    Not sure I can agree, but I have to like because that energy relationship of vibration and heat, to whatever temperature, could very well be right. It takes energy to force temperature to either extreme of hot or cold from equilibrium. Or . . . equally but oppositely entropically coalesce two possibly ever present fundamentally opposing extremes to a third existence of equilibrium. Seems like a nice complex and chaotic ever present transference entry to energy and entropy. Forest and tree. Tree and seed. Chicken and egg.