Columnist Leonard David

Could we launch resources from the moon with electromagnetic railguns?

a cylindrical object is launched from the surface of the moon by a long metal rail
A cylindrical 220 pound (100 kilogram) launch package is shown after emerging from the end of a lunar electromagnetic launcher. (Image credit: General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems)

In 1974, the late Princeton University professor and space visionary Gerard O'Neill proposed using electromagnetic rail guns to lob payloads from the moon.

O'Neill suggested using "mass drivers" based on a coil gun design to accelerate a non-magnetic object. One application for mass drivers was launching moon-derived materials into lunar orbit for in-space manufacturing. O'Neill also worked at MIT on mass drivers, along with colleague Henry H. Kolm, and a group of farsighted student volunteers, to fabricate their first mass driver prototype. Backed by grants from the Space Studies Institute, later prototypes improved on the mass driver concept.

That was five decades ago. Catapult yourself to today and ask this question: What's the U.S. Navy's Gerald R. Ford nuclear aircraft carrier got to do with the moon?

Future lunar economy

Late last year, General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems filed a final report to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's (AFOSR). That report was titled "Lunar Electromagnetic Launch for Resource Exploitation to Enhance National Security and Economic Growth."

The author of that appraisal is Robert Peterkin, director of operations for the organization's Albuquerque, New Mexico office.

Underscored in the 30-page document is that the moon is rich in useful resources, including silicon, titanium, aluminum and iron. The prospect of tapping into lunar water also looms large.

"A not-too-distant future lunar economy will make use of these lunar resources to resupply, repair, and refuel spacecraft in lunar orbit at lower cost than delivering terrestrial resources from Earth's deep gravitational well," explains the report.

A lunar launcher as viewed by space artist Pat Rawlings, published by the Lunar & Planetary Institute in 1985.  (Image credit: LPI)

Machinery, structures, systems

Electromagnetic launches of material from the lunar surface, the report continues, can be significantly more efficient than conventional rocket launches that rely on chemical fuels that are imported from the Earth to the moon. 

Outlined in the assessment are recommendations on how to mature the technology necessary to launch extracted and processed lunar material into cislunar space to sustain a set of emerging space missions.

A particularly important aspect of developing a lunar economy, the report advises, is moving mass off the surface of the moon reliably, affordably, and safely. "Undoubtedly, the first spiral of a development cycle for a lunar ecosystem will rely of supply of machinery, structures, and supporting systems from the Earth."

A U.S. Office of Naval Research Electromagnetic Railgun Laboratory launcher located at the Naval Surface Warfare Center.  (Image credit: U.S. Navy)

Superior choice

Using lunar resources to repair and resupply cis-lunar spacecraft requires advances in several technologies including a reliable way to move material off the lunar surface, Peterkin told 

For that task, a modern electromagnetic launcher is a superior choice, Peterkin said, because it can use abundant solar energy as a prime energy source instead of importing chemical rocket fuel from Earth. 

"The U.S. government should fund an evolution of the existing electromagnetic aircraft launch system, now operating reliably on the U.S. Navy's Gerald R. Ford nuclear aircraft carrier," Peterkin points out. 

Manufactured by General Atomics, that carrier-based hardware is called the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS).

An F/A-18F Super Hornet flies over the USS Gerald R. Ford.  (Image credit: US Navy/Erik Hildebrandt)

Path to get there

Peterkin said that moving this Earth-based technology down the road involves achieving higher speed, at lower mass — showcasing work that accelerates into fast forward mode a lunar launch capacity. 

The lickety-split speed required to hurl pound-class payloads from lunar terrain into a low circular orbit around the moon is 3,758 miles per hour (1.68 kilometers per second). 

"To prove viability, we need to demonstrate that this approach can achieve a lunar orbit speed," said Peterkin, "for at least 100 launches without needing to replace launcher components."

As the report to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contends, "while it is important to envision a mature state in which a self-sustaining lunar ecosystem extracts, processes, and launches material into lunar space to construct, supply, and sustain cislunar spacecraft and space settlements, it is equally important to establish a path to get there."

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Leonard David
Space Insider Columnist

Leonard David is an award-winning space journalist who has been reporting on space activities for more than 50 years. Currently writing as's Space Insider Columnist among his other projects, Leonard has authored numerous books on space exploration, Mars missions and more, with his latest being "Moon Rush: The New Space Race" published in 2019 by National Geographic. He also wrote "Mars: Our Future on the Red Planet" released in 2016 by National Geographic. Leonard  has served as a correspondent for SpaceNews, Scientific American and Aerospace America for the AIAA. He has received many awards, including the first Ordway Award for Sustained Excellence in Spaceflight History in 2015 at the AAS Wernher von Braun Memorial Symposium. You can find out Leonard's latest project at his website and on Twitter.

  • Rocky
    1. Giving your someone Byzantine registration system I see why there are very few comments.
    2. Crediting Gerard O'Neill with this is a little silly since everyone knows the idea had been around for years (see Robert heinlein's moon is a harsh Mistress)
    3. A much simpler system is available. I don't remember who it was that did the math on this but it turns out a 50 horse electric motor and a 1 km Kevlar tether can sling a good size load (I don't remember how large) into space from the Moon with a whole lot less power and infrastructure.
  • Unclear Engineer
    I am having a hard time envisioning the lunar orbit aspects of this proposal. Whatever speed the railgun can impart to a projectile, the orbit of that projectile around the Moon will be elliptical, not circular, and will intersect the lunar surface - i.e., crash back onto the surface unless there is some sort of rocket motor on the projectile that will fire at the highest point of the thrown path to raise the lowest parts of the orbit to make it roughly circular. So, a rail gun would really only be a "first stage" to any launch vehicle intended to get lunar material into lunar orbit.

    I suppose that it is theoretically possible to throw a motorless projectile directly into the path of a satellite that is already in orbit around the Moon, and have that satellite "catch" the projectile. But, in reality, that is a substantial crash between the faster moving satellite and the slower moving rail gun projectile (at the point of coincident orbits). And then the orbiting satellite would need to use a rocket motor (and fuel) to reestablish its orbital speed, because picking up the slower mass would necessarily decrease the satellite's speed and cause it to go into an eliptical orbit that would have its low point closer to the lunar surface (if not under it).
  • bigpaise
    This story reminds me of a novel by James P. Hogan, "The Two Faces of Tomorrow". It involves a mix of the rail gun / lunar mining system and AI. The whole plot would make an interesting movie, a thought which I've always had but it would still be relevant for today's world.
  • Gill Wright
    Rocky said:
    1. Giving your someone Byzantine registration system I see why there are very few comments.
    2. Crediting Gerard O'Neill with this is a little silly since everyone knows the idea had been around for years (see Robert heinlein's moon is a harsh Mistress)
    3. A much simpler system is available. I don't remember who it was that did the math on this but it turns out a 50 horse electric motor and a 1 km Kevlar tether can sling a good size load (I don't remember how large) into space from the Moon with a whole lot less power and infrastructure.
    Given what Heinlein wrote in 1965 "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" the articulation of lunar mass launch was well crafted nearly 60 years ago, as Rocky so aptly pointed out. The book is a very interesting read of how the Loonies were living in 2074 to 2076. The technologies Heinlein project are very reachable with what we now know. I do not think we will go down the 'penal colony' pathway he envisioned, and wrapped a story around. I think humanity will be a bit smarter than the social constructs of the early 1960's, as we begin to develop the ARTEMIS infrastructure in the 21st century.

    The technologies of Lunar mass launch are well under development. All you need to do is look at the following 3 technologies currently in terrestrial enterprises:

    1. HYPERLOOP: a means of maglev transport in a 'vacuum tube' here on Earth
    2. The Boring Company: a means to cost effectively drill horizontal tunnels on Earth, or Lunar regolith.
    3. SpaceX Starship: a means to eventually transport mass, like a horizontal boring machine to the lunar surface.

    With a Boring machine on the Lunar surface, likely the South Pole, the regolith can be extracted for mineral and water content to process into materials for lunar construction. Plus sub-surface tubes, and eventually larger caverns will provide necessary radiation protection for sustained human presence in the Lunar habitation structures. It will take time to further develop these into a viable lunar infrastructure, but the technologies are well understood.

    Given that Elon Muck and Jeff Bezos both read Robert Heinlein and O'Neil, in their formative years, it seems to me that they are developing the industrial means to implement such a Lunar infrastructure in the coming decade, or so.

    Time will tell..🖖👨‍🚀

    Frankly, I think the space industry has a sound handle far beyond the application of a Naval catapult.
  • Cycappy
    Also visit SpinLaunch. This seems to me as the most viable alternative with small form factor, repeatable launching, and sizeable payloads. They've already achieved 1600 km/h in early tests, and target 5 times that.

    We have this capability. My question is whether this too will weaponize. As the Harsh Mistress shows, thousandths of. small but significant sized projectiles could simultaneously strike any number of locations with huge energy releases rivaling tactical nukes down this big gravity well. It would be easy, accurate and cheap. As a first strike weapon this is scary. Launching from the far side of the moon, these small payloads would be hard to detect.

    Let's hope some dictator doesn't make us into a planet of apes.
  • Unclear Engineer
    Fiction writers dream up all sorts of things and use incorrect or half-truth physics to "sell" their stories to the uneducated (in hard sciences) public. So, just because somebody wrote about it decades ago does not mean that it will even work according to the laws of physics, much less that some engineering is being done to make use of it, today.

    Nobody has answered the orbital dynamics question in my post #3. Without some solution to that basic physics problem, throwing things into orbit from the ground is a non-starter.
  • Cycappy
    Enough velocity and the right vectoring and the object will proceed into Earth's gravity well, and it's a N-body problem anyway, not just the Moon and object.
  • Unclear Engineer
    The article speaks about "One application for mass drivers was launching moon-derived materials into lunar orbit for in-space manufacturing," and "The lickety-split speed required to hurl pound-class payloads from lunar terrain into a low circular orbit around the moon is 3,758 miles per hour (1.68 kilometers per second). " .

    That is just a 2-body orbital mechanics problem, and it won't work. The objects launched that way will end up crashing back on the Moon's surface. To get them into a circular orbit, some impulse must be supplied at the high point of the "throw" trajectory.

    Throwing stuff from the Moon to the Earth is theoretically possible, it simply needs to be accelerated to the lunar escape velocity in a direction headed toward Earth. As a way of bombarding Earth, that would work, theoretically. But, if the idea is to get the material into a stable orbit around Earth, then again, it will require some orbital changes when near Earth. It could dip into Earth's atmosphere and "skip out" into a lower velocity, but its low point in orbit around the Earth would then still be in the upper atmosphere, and the orbit would continue to decay until it resulted in terminal reentry, unless there is some rocket used to raise the perigee (low point of Earth orbit).

    I suppose there might be some 3-body solution that would put the material into an orbit that is rather high from both the Earth and the Moon that would allow for a low-energy "capture" by a 4th body that was some sort of manufacturing plant, but that would be hard to compute and not a very convenient location for something that was intended to be used on Earth. Maybe if we ever get to building things in space to continue using in space. But, maybe not. Show me the orbit if you want me to believe that this is "the future".
  • Cycappy
    Unclear Engineer said:
    The article speaks about "One application for mass drivers was launching moon-derived materials into lunar orbit for in-space manufacturing," and "The lickety-split speed required to hurl pound-class payloads from lunar terrain into a low circular orbit around the moon is 3,758 miles per hour (1.68 kilometers per second). " .

    That is just a 2-body orbital mechanics problem, and it won't work. The objects launched that way will end up crashing back on the Moon's surface. To get them into a circular orbit, some impulse must be supplied at the high point of the "throw" trajectory.

    Throwing stuff from the Moon to the Earth is theoretically possible, it simply needs to be accelerated to the lunar escape velocity in a direction headed toward Earth. As a way of bombarding Earth, that would work, theoretically. But, if the idea is to get the material into a stable orbit around Earth, then again, it will require some orbital changes when near Earth. It could dip into Earth's atmosphere and "skip out" into a lower velocity, but its low point in orbit around the Earth would then still be in the upper atmosphere, and the orbit would continue to decay until it resulted in terminal reentry, unless there is some rocket used to raise the perigee (low point of Earth orbit).

    I suppose there might be some 3-body solution that would put the material into an orbit that is rather high from both the Earth and the Moon that would allow for a low-energy "capture" by a 4th body that was some sort of manufacturing plant, but that would be hard to compute and not a very convenient location for something that was intended to be used on Earth. Maybe if we ever get to building things in space to continue using in space. But, maybe not. Show me the orbit if you want me to believe that this is "the future".
    I see your point. I was thinking to supply Earth or an earth orbital station with material. Also note there would need to be a Moon orbital station for manufacturing, so an intercept could negate the need for thrusters. Possibly the intercept would also provide delta momentum for the orbital station keeping. Lots of computations sure, and fascinating. To me it's possible and just a matter of money-time.
    Also, Harsh Mistress did account for thrust corrections needed for shipping grain back to earth. If you haven't read that yet and like hard sci-fi, it's a good read, though characters are simple.
  • Classical Motion
    If we could convert spin into directional thrust we could do it. Launch a spinning mass and at the right time convert that spin into thrust.

    Spin, potential thrust. Stored motion. Stored acceleration.