How long would it take to reach Planet 9, if we ever find it?

An artist's interpretation of what Planet Nine might look like.
An artist's interpretation of what Planet Nine might look like. (Image credit: Shutterstock)

Some experts believe that we could be just a few years away from discovering the elusive "Planet Nine" — or ruling out the existence of the hypothetical world for good. 

But if we do find it, how long would it take for us to send a spacecraft to the far-flung world? And could humans ever make the trip?

Planet Nine is the name given to a proposed planet supposedly lurking near the edge of the solar system. If it exists, Planet Nine is likely a dark, gas or ice giant planet somewhere between five and 10 times the mass of Earth that circles the sun on a highly elliptical, or stretched, orbit — out of sync with the rest of the planets.

Researchers suspect Planet Nine is out there because around a dozen objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, move as if a large object is tugging on them. However, finding this missing world has proved to be extremely tricky.

But some astronomers believe Planet Nine could be discovered within the next few years once the state-of-the-art Vera C. Rubin Observatory starts to survey the night sky in late 2025. 

Related: The evidence for 'Planet Nine' in our solar system (gallery)

If Planet Nine is ever detected, space agencies like NASA will want to send a probe to visit the distant world. But first, they will have to plan and get approval for such a mission. 

"This will take at least a decade or more," Andreas Hein, a space systems engineer at the University of Luxembourg, told Live Science in an email. This is mostly because missions have to go through a lengthy and rigorous government selection process, he added.

But this process could be sped up depending on how odd the world appears in initial readings, Manasvi Lingam, a theoretical astrobiologist at the Florida Institute of Technology, told Live Science in an email. "If Planet 9 is anomalous in some respect, there could be more interest in expediting such a mission."

It is also possible that a private space exploration company, such as SpaceX, could launch missions sooner — potentially as soon as five years after discovery — because they are not hindered by as much bureaucracy, Hein said.

Reaching Planet Nine

If it exists, Planet Nine lies far beyond a distant ring of asteroids and dwarf planets known as the Kuiper Belt. (Image credit: Getty Images)

Once a probe is sent to Planet Nine, the next question is how long will it take to arrive?

In 2022, Hein, Lingam and part-time astronomer Adam Hibberd attempted to answer this question in a theoretical paper that was posted to the pre-print database arXiv. In this paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, the researchers estimated that it would likely take between 45 and 75 years for a spacecraft akin to NASA's Voyager probes to reach Planet Nine.

These calculations were based on the assumption that Planet Nine is around 400 astronomical units from the sun on average, or 400 times farther away from the sun than Earth. That's also around 13 times further away from the sun than Neptune, the farthest known planet in the solar system. 

But subsequent studies suggest that Planet Nine's true average distance from the sun is actually closer to 500 astronomical units. And the most recent survey, which narrowed down the elusive world's potential hiding place, also hints that the planet could currently be more than 550 astronomical units away, near its farthest point from the sun.

However, these developments don't dramatically alter the timeline laid out in the 2022 paper, Lingam said. The team's estimates were "conservative," meaning that the upper end of their uncertainty range "still seems tenable," he added.

Pushing boundaries

A Planet Nine probe would have to travel further than NASA's Voyager 1 space probe. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Seventy-five years may seem like a long time for a one-way trip. But this is quite fast compared to the journeys of existing probes; for example, Voyager 1 — the most distant spacecraft from Earth — has been traveling through space for 46 years and is only around 163 astronomical units from Earth, according to NASA. As a result, a Planet Nine probe would have to travel around three times faster than Voyager 1 to reach Planet Nine in the researcher's timeframe. 

This may seem unlikely but it is possible, Lingam said. 

Probes traveling toward the outer solar system must be gravitationally slingshotted around the sun, planets and their moons to propel them across the vast distances involved. Voyager 1's trajectory was carefully planned to allow it to fly closely past Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, as well as some of their respective moons. To do so, Voyager 1 had to also be slingshotted around objects to slow it down and redirect it to where it needed to go. However, a Planet Nine probe could go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed and travel much further in the same amount of time.

Mike Brown, an astronomer at Caltech who co-proposed the Planet Nine hypothesis in 2016, originally estimated that a probe could potentially get to Planet Nine in as few as 20 years using a similar method. However, it is "difficult" to see how a probe could get to Planet Nine this fast using current technology, Lingam said. 

But it might be possible to reach Planet Nine quicker if we could crack more advanced propulsion technologies, such as light sails — giant sails that catch sunlight or lasers to accelerate spacecraft, Hein and Lingam said. 

In the 2022 study, the researchers suggested that a light sail could take as little as seven years to reach Planet Nine. However, it could take at least 20 years for light sails to become a reality, the team estimated. 

As a result, if we found Planet Nine tomorrow, it would be better to send a current probe than to wait for alternative technologies to become available, Lingam said. "Laser sails can be launched later, if and when they become practical and cost-effective."

As propulsion systems advance further, it may also be possible to send people to Planet Nine. But probably not anytime soon.

"I am confident that in the far future, humans will be able to visit Planet Nine," potentially even as they make their way to other stars, Hein said. 

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Harry Baker
Live Science Staff Writer

Harry is a U.K.-based staff writer at Live Science. He studied Marine Biology at the University of Exeter (Penryn campus) and after graduating started his own blog site "Marine Madness," which he continues to run with other ocean enthusiasts. He is also interested in evolution, climate change, robots, space exploration, environmental conservation and anything that's been fossilized. When not at work he can be found watching sci-fi films, playing old Pokemon games or running (probably slower than he'd like). 

  • ChrisA

    "I am confident that in the far future, humans will be able to visit Planet Nine," potentially even as they make their way to other stars, Hein said.

    If the planet turns out that (1) It actually exists and (2) It is a captured rouge planet from some other star system, then we would be VERY motivated to study it in detail. But sending people? Who would want to spend 20 years in a space capsule getting there and then 20 years on the return trip?

    The first probes would be unmanned and at best would be launched on to 2050s and arrive in the 2070s. You would not even seriously think about a manned mission until you got the data in the 2070s and found the planet to be truely exceptional. By that time AI will be the best choice for the "crew".

    AI tech will be much more advanced 50 years from now and it can be continuously updated while it flies to Planet-9 so when it gets there in 2070 it will be a 2070 vintage AI.

    This "fast" timeline assumes nuclear rockets

    As AI and robotics advance, there is less reason to send people to space, except as tourists. You can't automate tourism.
  • billslugg
    "However, a Planet Nine probe could go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed and travel much further in the same amount of time."

    Going directly straight to the planet allows for a shorter route, it has nothing to do with picking up more speed. Without slingshots assists, all speed must come from burning rocket fuel.

    How do such errors creep into space related articles written by marine biologists?
  • ChrisA
    billslugg said:
    "However, a Planet Nine probe could go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed and travel much further in the same amount of time."

    Going directly straight to the planet allows for a shorter route, it has nothing to do with picking up more speed. Without slingshots assists, all speed must come from burning rocket fuel.

    How do such errors creep into space related articles written by marine biologists?
    I noticed this but did not see it as an error, but rather a simplification. I think the author correctly said that Voyager's current speed is optimized for a muti-planet flyby and not for the extended interstellar mission it is now doing. The "direct" route could very well be a gravity assist but direct after the Jupiter assist.

    In any case, this mission would have to wait for nuclear rockets or something like that. Or maybe you use a massive chemical rocket with SpaceX Starship modified for a one-way trip. I can imagine "Ship" with only the 3 vacuum engines, no heat shield, flaps, grid fins, or header tanks. It would be launched and then refueled in LEO. Something like the Lunar version.

    We will get decent enough data from one of the space telescopes, Web, Hubble or Roman
  • billslugg
    "go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed"

    This is a false statement.
  • Cisventure Astronot
    billslugg said:
    "go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed"

    This is a false statement.

    That wasn't the statement. you cut it off before the punctuation. the full sentence is

    However, a Planet Nine probe could go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed and travel much further in the same amount of time.

    And your point has less weight when you quote it like this:

    …go as directly as possible straight to the mysterious planet, allowing it to pick up more speed… in the same amount of time.

    I understand where the confusion comes from, though. you read it as "(allowing it to pick up more speed) and (travel much further in the same amount of time.)", but this would be redundant. It was probably intended to be read as "allowing it to (pick up more speed) and (travel much further) in the same amount of time." to rephrase it "allowing It to accelerate, and arrive, sooner".

    You're still kinda right, though. /gen

    Researchers suspect Planet Nine is out there because around a dozen objects beyond the orbit of Neptune, move as if a large object is tugging on them.

    I thought this turned out to be a dateset bias. Am I misremembering? please tell me I'm misremembering, because I want to believe that I'll get to see the first pictures of a planet.
  • billslugg
    I understand that if it were to pick up speed it would get there in less time. I don't care if it is redundant. This second part of the sentence was irrelevant to my point thus I did not cite it.

    My point is that when it goes in a straight line it never gains speed except when its engine is thrusting. The only way it can gain speed is by slingshot maneuvers, and in order to engage in one of them it must bend its trajectory. There is no such thing as a straight line slingshot maneuver.
  • Redderek
    billslugg said:
    I understand that if it were to pick up speed it would get there in less time. I don't care if it is redundant. This second part of the sentence was irrelevant to my point thus I did not cite it.

    My point is that when it goes in a straight line it never gains speed except when its engine is thrusting. The only way it can gain speed is by slingshot maneuvers, and in order to engage in one of them it must bend its trajectory. There is no such thing as a straight line slingshot maneuver.
    It can gain speed in a straight line if using a solar sail or pulsed laser; other than just engine thrust.
  • Cisventure Astronot
    billslugg said:
    I understand that if it were to pick up speed it would get there in less time. I don't care if it is redundant. This second part of the sentence was irrelevant to my point thus I did not cite it.

    My point is that when it goes in a straight line it never gains speed except when its engine is thrusting. The only way it can gain speed is by slingshot maneuvers, and in order to engage in one of them it must bend its trajectory. There is no such thing as a straight line slingshot maneuver.

    What I'm trying to say is that the full statement isn't redundant. It seems redundant when read "(allowing it to pick up more speed) and (travel much further in the same amount of time.)", but it isn't when read "allowing it to (pick up more speed and travel much further) in the same amount of time.".

    The first interpretation conveys the fallacy you pointed out, but the second one doesn't. It doesn't seem to be about the top speed, but the time of acceleration and total mission time (which is the topic of the article).

    The first interpretation claims that going in a straight line somehow accelerates the spacecraft. The second one claims that using flybys to get to the same speed will take more time, or that it takes so much time that it's not worth the extra speed.

    Since the first one's less relevant, redundant, and false, I think the latter is the intended interpretation.
  • billslugg
    All I care about is someone thinks tossing a object out of the solar system, without flybys, somehow results in going faster. You go slower as you go out there, not faster. If the craft had a solar sail, that would be a different story.