If dark matter is 'invisible,' how do we know it exists?
Despite making up most of the matter in the universe, dark matter doesn't interact with light. So how do astronomers know it is there?

In April 2023, scientists from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) collaboration created a map of the universe showing the detailed distribution of dark matter, a mysterious form of matter that makes up around 85% of the total matter in the universe.
While creating any accurate map of matter distribution across the cosmos is an impressive feat, it is particularly extraordinary for dark matter, which does not interact with light and thus cannot be seen directly with telescopes or other instruments.
So, if dark matter is effectively "invisible," how can scientists map it? And how do we even know dark matter exists? Put simply, to detect dark matter, astronomers look at its indirect effects on gravity and how it impacts other objects with mass and light.
Related: Latest dark matter news
All galaxies are believed to be wrapped in an invisible halo of dark matter, and this envelope is vitally important; galaxies are rotating so rapidly, that without dark matter, they would have been torn apart long ago if they were held together only by the influence of their stars, gas, dust and planets, according to the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). As such, this mysterious substance must have played an important role in the evolution of the universe.
What makes dark matter "invisible"?
Everything we see around us on a day-to-day basis is made up of "ordinary" matter, known as baryonic matter, meaning it's composed of baryons (such as protons and neutrons). According to the Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, cosmic objects made of baryonic matter include clouds of cold gas, planets, comets and asteroids, stars, neutron stars and even black holes.
Most of these cosmic objects (as well as Earthbound objects, such as tables, cars and cats) can be seen because baryons interact with the electromagnetic force, one of the universe's four fundamental forces. When electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, falls on baryonic objects, they absorb photons and reemit them, or simply reflect them, so these objects can be seen. Even dark clouds of cosmic gas that do not shine brightly absorb photons of light at certain wavelengths, so they can be seen by their interaction with light.
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Scientists know that dark matter is distinct from ordinary baryonic matter because whatever particles dark matter comprises either don't reflect, absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation or if they do interact with light, they do so incredibly weakly. This means dark matter can't be seen in traditional ways that rely on electromagnetic radiation.
Related: How does astronomy use the electromagnetic spectrum?
How do scientists know dark matter is there?
Although dark matter does not interact strongly via electromagnetism, it does interact with another fundamental force: gravity. It is through the interaction with gravity that astronomers were first able to discover dark matter and, later, accurately map it.
The first hints of dark matter were observed in 1933 when California Institute of Technology astronomer Fritz Zwicky used the Mount Wilson Observatory to measure the visible mass of the Coma Cluster of galaxies. Zwicky, later dubbed "the father of dark matter," found that single galaxies in this cluster were moving too fast for the cluster to remain together based on the gravity of the visible matter alone.
Zwicky suggested that an as-yet-unobserved type of mass — "dunkle Materie," or "dark matter" — might explain this disparity, but the concept wouldn't be widely accepted for decades to come, until after his death in 1974.
While studying the rotational dynamics of galaxies, Carnegie Institution astronomer Vera Rubin became the next scientist to infer the presence of dark matter with observations that helped to cement it as an accepted element of the universe. Rubin saw that the stars at the edge of spiral galaxies far from their dense centers were moving as fast as stars closer to the galactic heart, according to the American Museum of Natural History.
This was odd, as the visible mass of these galaxies shouldn't have enough gravitational influence to keep stars moving rapidly in sparsely populated outer regions in place. This meant that there had to be a huge amount of invisible matter in the outer regions of galaxies away from dense stellar populations. Rubin calculated that visible matter in the galaxies she observed must account for just 10% of their mass, and when revisiting Zwicky's findings from around four decades before, she discovered that a similar ratio of seen and unseen matter binds the Coma Cluster.
Since the 1970s and Rubin's discovery, astronomers have been using the gravitational influence of dark matter on the very fabric of space to better infer the location of dark matter. They theorize that filaments of dark matter link clumps of this mysterious substance, forming a vast cosmic web containing clusters of galaxies.
Mapping dark matter with a little help from Einstein
To map dark matter, astronomers use Albert Einstein's 1915 theory of general relativity, which states that gravity arises from objects with mass shaping the very fabric of time and space. This phenomenon affects the objects in space, energy and even light. As theoretical physicist John Wheeler once famously and succinctly said about general relativity, "Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve."
To understand the effect of mass on space, it may be helpful to look to a commonly cited analogy. Imagine placing objects of various masses on a stretched rubber sheet. The more mass one of these objects has, the more it warps the sheet. That means very massive cosmic objects, like galaxies, have considerable effects on the fabric of space.
Astronomers can measure this effect — and thus the mass of an object and how matter is distributed through it — using light that passes through this warped space. Light always travels in a straight line, but massive objects can cause the warping the space the path of light traveling through it is bent and is thus distorted. This phenomenon, known as gravitational lensing, is useful for detecting very faint objects, such as distant galaxies. It also allows astronomers to map dark matter, which has mass and, therefore, warps space-time and can indirectly affect the passage of light. By looking at how galaxies and galactic clusters cause light to bend, astronomers can calculate the mass of visible matter and its effect on this process and then estimate the amount of dark matter and how it is distributed.
Mapping dark matter with a cosmic fossil
The dark matter map created by the ACT collaboration covers a quarter of the sky visible over Earth and extends deep into the universe. To create this model and show the large-scale distribution of dark matter, the team needed to look at distortions in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The CMB is the oldest form of light in the universe, created during an event called "the last scattering", which occurred around 380,000 years after the Big Bang. At this time, the universe was hot and dense, but as it expanded and cooled, it reached a temperature at which electrons could bind to protons to form the first atoms.
Until this point, electrons had been endlessly scattering photons. This meant light couldn't travel, so the universe was opaque. With free electrons snatched up and bound to protons, light could finally travel freely, and the universe instantly became transparent.
Because this first light was emitted when the universe was a fraction of its current size, it fills the universe with an extremely high degree of uniformity. Therefore, by looking at distortions in this first light caused by gravitational lensing, ACT scientists could measure the distribution of dark matter.
In addition to fitting the picture of the universe and dark matter suggested by general relativity and the standard model of cosmology, these highly accurate measurements could lead to a deeper understanding of dark matter.
Mapping dark matter FAQs answered by an expert
We asked Renée Hložek, an associate professor at the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto and a contributing member at the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration, some questions about the mapping of dark matter.
Renée Hložek is an associate professor at the Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto and a contributing member of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope collaboration.
What makes dark matter effectively "invisible"?
Dark matter is effectively invisible because it is "weakly interacting" with light. One of the ways we "'see" matter is if it makes its own light (like the sun) and if light bounces off its surface (as it does off your skin). The fact that dark matter is weakly interacting with light means that this process occurs only very, very rarely (or maybe not at all!), so it appears effectively "invisible" to us when looking with light. Searching for signs of dark matter is one of the biggest research areas in modern cosmology.
If dark matter doesn't interact with light, how do we know it's there?
The amazing thing is that matter interacts in other ways not related to light. It interacts gravitationally (just as you and I, and the sun, etc. do). This gravitational interaction means that it bends/curves the space around it as predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity. To use the analogy of the sun, the sun is a massive object, and it bends the space around it. The Earth moves in that space around the sun in an orbit on a "geodesic" in this space. If you replaced the normal matter of the sun with dark matter, you wouldn't see any light from the sun, but Earth's orbit would continue unchanged!
Why is the gravitational influence of dark matter important?
The reason why this gravitational influence of dark matter is so cool is that we can exploit this fact to "'see" it in the sky. When a massive object distorts the space around it through its gravitational interaction, it means that objects will travel on geodesics in that curved space around the object. Just as the Earth's path is "bent" into an orbit, light will also be bent by the massive object. That means we can use the bending of light to detect the presence of dark matter with mass that isn't shining like "normal" matter.
This bending of light is actually one of the ways that Einstein's theory was first tested in the early 20th century. During the 1919 solar eclipse, when the normal shining light of the sun was blocked by the moon, the projected positions of stars close to the sun on the sky were recorded and they were slightly shifted because the light from those stars was being bent by the sun.
How can we use this to "map" dark matter?
In our case, the ACT collaboration is measuring the very small bending or deflections of light that originated a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, from a time we call "recombination," because the protons and electrons in the universe recombined to be neutral atoms. We call this light the cosmic microwave background, or CMB. The dark matter in the universe between us and that time of recombination very slightly bends, or "lenses," the CMB light. It's a really subtle effect, and so our team has developed sophisticated tools to measure the lensing deflection signal of the CMB light and use it to infer, or "see," the integrated dark matter.
What have we learned about the universe by creating these dark matter maps?
Partly, we confirm that there must be something massive bending the light of the CMB — which may sound like "We confirmed it is there," but it's actually more profound. Some folks don't like dark matter as a concept and try to explain other pieces of evidence for dark matter (like the rotation curves of galaxies) by suggesting that perhaps light itself is behaving differently in those systems. But seeing this map of the dark matter we infer from its lensing signal makes those arguments for light behaving weirdly much harder to swallow. It is a beautiful prediction of general relativity, and to see it mapped across the sky is breathtaking! This same theory (general relativity) makes predictions for how the universe will change in the future, and so any adjustments to this theory or the parameters within it that we can make through observations is key to understanding the eventual fate of the universe — or, as I like to think of it, how this movie is going to end.
Additional resources
Vera Rubin is considered the "mother of dark matter." Read about her work to uncover this mysterious form of matter on this page from the American Museum of Natural History. The cosmic microwave background was integral to this latest map of dark matter. Read more about the CMB from these resources from the European Space Agency.
American Museum of Natural History. (2000). Vera Rubin and dark matter. In Soter, S. & deGrasse Tyson, N. (Eds.), Cosmic horizons: Astronomy at the cutting edge. New Press.
CERN. (n.d.). Dark matter. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://home.cern/science/physics/dark-matter
Clavin, W. (2020, October 23). Where is dark matter hiding? Caltech Magazine. https://magazine.caltech.edu/post/where-is-dark-matter-hiding
De Swart, J. (2019, September 3). Deciphering dark matter: The remarkable life of Fritz Zwicky. Nature. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02603-7
Overduin, J. (2007, November). Einstein's spacetime. Gravity Probe B: Testing Einstein's Universe. Stanford University. https://einstein.stanford.edu/SPACETIME/spacetime2.html
Swinburne University. (n.d.). Baryonic matter. Cosmos: The SAO Encyclopedia of Astronomy. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://astronomy.swin.edu.au/cosmos/b/Baryonic+Matter
U.S. Department of Energy. (n.d.). DOE explains … dark matter. Retrieved April 28, 2023, from https://www.energy.gov/science/doe-explainsdark-matter
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Robert Lea is a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst.
bwana4swahili "If dark matter is 'invisible,' how do we know it exists?"Reply
In truth it doesn't and all the $$$'s spent researching dark matter is one science's biggest scams! -
Manix I agree. I think it is a clutching at straws scenario. We cannot explain certain effects, so we've invented something to fill the void. I think it is more likely there is a fifth force at play; or we truly have misunderstood gravity. it's possible under certain conditions that gravity acts differently to what we understand.Reply -
I personally think gravity is the culprit. Dark matter is overthinking the whole situation. The KISS principle should be the guiding rule in science.Manix said:I agree. I think it is a clutching at straws scenario. We cannot explain certain effects, so we've invented something to fill the void. I think it is more likely there is a fifth force at play; or we truly have misunderstood gravity. it's possible under certain conditions that gravity acts differently to what we understand. -
Space is so vast and as much as we think we understand what is going on in the Universe, our understanding is very limited. Gravity as you mentioned might very well be the culprit. Our understanding of gravity, when boiled down is what we know here in our little sector of the universe. The way objects act in the Kuiper belt for instance and how, even though we're yet to find a planet nine (or ten if you want to include Pluto), shows how little we understand about gravity. We're assuming there is a larg obejct roaming in that region of space, but it's quite possible that that great white whale might not exist. I'm not sure what the obsession with dark matter is, but they love to push it like it's fact, even though there are other equally plausable hypothesis out there to explain these effects.bwana4swahili said:I personally think gravity is the culprit. Dark matter is overthinking the whole situation. The KISS principle should be the guiding rule in science. -
bolide I'm also inclined to think of "dark matter" as this century's "ether," i.e. a mysterious intangible substance postulated to explain what otherwise seems impossible (in that case it was the propagation of electromagnetic waves through empty space).Reply
It would help if they didn't call it dark "matter," since it also doesn't follow another basic law of "matter," namely that different objects can't occupy the same space at the same time. And if it does have such a gravitational effect, why doesn't it form into clumps, like ordinary matter?
Since in fact the only evidence there is of this stuff is certain gravitational effects, why not seek an explanation of these effects in terms of a better theory of gravity, or of spacetime? That would seem to better satisfy Occam's Razor, by avoiding the supposition of an insubstantial substance that can't be seen or felt. -
Nardoel The answer is much simpler: we don't know that dark matter exists, and the Webb data show that it likely doesn't since the predictions made by the proponents of the dark matter hypothesis turn out to be false.Reply
Dark matter never was even a theory. It was at best a hypothesis made to account for contradictions between the accepted theory, general relativity, and observations. When you're a scientist and the theory you work with is contradicted by observation, you should at least question the theory rather than reality. But that's inconvenient. It is much more easy to decide that reality isn't what it is, and that in fact it's only a tiny fraction of some hypothetic 'real' reality which is conveniently indetectable, unaccounted for and has whatever properties you need to make it all fit together. The whole thing is unscientific. Sounds more like a bad excuse from a 6 years old. -
Unclear Engineer First, the Michelson Morley experiment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelson%E2%80%93Morley_experiment ) did not prove that there is no "aether". It proved that we cannot detect our motion through whatever it might be that light propagates in. And that led to the Lorenz Transformations of Special Relativity Theory that related measurements of time and distance between two separate "inertial frames of reference" that were in motion with respect to each other.Reply
So, now we have theories about light travelling through oscillations of "fields" that permeate all of space. And, according to theory. we cannot detect our motion through those fields.
Except, we do somehow have a dipole in the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation that seems to indicate we are moving with respect to the frame of reference into which radiation was "released" everywhere in space at roughly the same time shortly after the Big Bang.
Add to that the "Higgs Field", which is theorized to create mass by its interactions with other fields that permeate space, and it seems that we are currently hypothesizing something in the way of a medium that permeates space.
So, our current theories do not assume that space is empty. But, there seems to be a lot of double-speak about what is actually in space.
Sometimes space is "empty" and forces propagate through it via particles called bosons, one for each force we know exists, with light photons being the force carriers for electromagnetic force. (But, we can only hypothesize that "gravitons" carry gravity force.)
Other times, we find the particle theory does not work, and we need to use wave theory to get the results we observe in experiments. That is where "fields that permeate space" come in.
And, the theorists just wave away the dichotomy by saying "Light has the properties of both particles and waves." More correctly. "Light sometimes seems to have the properties of a particle and other times seems to have the properties of waves." "Why" is not really understood.
These theories do not mesh together when we get to describing gravity. So far, we have only succeeded in describing gravity with wave theory.
Dark matter is originally a product of observations not matching theory for astronomy observations at galactic scales and larger. Those observations seem to require more mass than we can account for. At first, astronomers seemed to think it might simply be mass that did not radiate light because it was too cold. Maybe gas or dust clouds, rouge planets, or, black holes.
But, particle physicists have been trying to show that dark matter could be some kind of particle that does not interact with photons. And, as we get better infrared telescopes to be able to see matter that is "dark" with respect to the limited range of light frequencies that our eyes can detect, the argument that it must be some sort of exotic particle(s?) gets stronger. However, we have been looking for such particles for a while now, with consistently negative results.
So, others are working on different explanations involving the theories for various "fields" that produce forms of energy and mass. But, again, so far, those are falling short of explaining all of the observations.
So, what is the real answer? That is yet to be determined. And, determining it will surely require a lot of experimentation and probably also some serious concept re-evaluation.
So, I am not going to criticize anybody for scientific exploration of the real world and the theories about it. But I am going to be skeptical of anybody who claims to "have the answer" until they can convincingly demonstrate that they have succeeded in rectifying theory to predict all available observations using things that we can prove actually exist.
At this point, using "dark matter" to fudge the calculations for observations where that works, but then claiming that observations where no dark matter is needed are examples of " dark matter's absence", without explaining why dark matter would be absent, are not logically convincing that the theory is correct. -
bolide What is a "field," in this usage? Is it supposed (or do you suppose) that it is something that exists independently of anything that may be present in it, or propagating through it?Reply -
Unclear Engineer That is an appropriate question.Reply
For an engineer, an "electric field" is the electrical potential difference in space surrounding an object with an electric charge. It cam be mapped with an instrument.
But theoretical physicists have turned that inside-out, and define the electric field as something (not well defined) that permeates all of space. And the things that an engineer views as objects with electrical charges are viewed by the physicists as waves in that ubiquitous electric field.
We at least agree that any change in the charge or position of the object/wave propagates through our fields at the local speed of light. The local speed of light is reduced from its value in a vacuum by the presence of matter.