James Webb Space Telescope finds a shock near supermassive black hole (image)

A three colour image of the galaxy ESO 428-G14 as captured by the James Webb Space Telescope
A three color image of the galaxy ESO 428-G14 as captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. (Image credit: NASA/ESA/JWST)

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), astronomers have imaged the structure of dust and gas around a distant supermassive black hole, quite literally finding a "shock" feature.

The team discovered that energy heating this swirling cloud of gas and dust actually comes from collisions with jets of gas traveling at near-light-speeds, or "shocks." Previously, scientists had theorized that the energy heating this dust comes from the supermassive black hole itself, making this an unexpected twist.

The galactic home of this particular supermassive black hole is ESO 428-G14, an active galaxy located around 70 million light-years from Earth. The term "active galaxy" means that ESO 428-G14 possesses a central region or "active galactic nucleus" (AGN) that emits powerful and intense light across the electromagnetic spectrum due to the presence of a supermassive black hole that is greedily feasting on matter around it.

The shock AGN finding was reached by members of the Galactic Activity, Torus, and Outflow Survey (GATOS) collaboration, who are using dedicated JWST observations to study the hearts of nearby galaxies.

"There is a lot of debate as to how AGN transfer energy into their surroundings," GATOS team member David Rosario, a Senior Lecturer at Newcastle University, said in a statement. "We did not expect to see radio jets do this sort of damage. And yet here it is!''

Related: Dark matter could play 'matchmaker' for supermassive black holes

A three color image of the galaxy ESO 428-G14 as captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. (Image credit: NASA/ESA/JWST)

Unlocking the secrets of a "noisy" black hole

All large galaxies are thought to have central supermassive black holes, which have masses ranging from millions to billions of times that of the sun, but not all these black holes sit in AGNs.

Take the Milky Way, for instance. Our galaxy's supermassive black hole Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) is surrounded by so little material that its "diet" of matter is the equivalent of a human subsisting on one grain of rice every million years. This makes Sgr A*, which has a mass equal to around 4.3 million suns, a "quiet" black hole, but it sure has some noisy neighbors.

Take the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy Messier 87 (M87), located around 55 million light-years away. This black hole M87* isn't just vastly more massive than Sgr A*, with a mass equal to around 6.5 billion suns, but it is also surrounded by a vast amount of gas and dust, which it feeds on.

This matter can't just fall directly to M87* because it carries angular momentum. that means it forms a swirling flattened cloud of gas and dust around the supermassive black hole called an "accretion disk," which gradually feeds it.

A illustration shows supermassive black hole sat at the heart of an accretion disk. (Image credit: Mark Garlick/Science Photo Library/Getty Images)

Supermassive black holes don't just sit in accretion disks passively waiting to be fed like a cosmic baby in a high chair. The immense graviational influence of these cosmic titans generates huge tidal forces in the accretion disk creating fiction that heats it to temperatures as great as 18 million degrees Fahrenheit (10 million degrees Celsius). 

This causes the accretion disk to glow brightly, powering part of the illumination of the AGN. The immense gravitational influence of these cosmic titans generates huge tidal forces in the accretion disk, creating fiction that heats it to temperatures as great as 18 million degrees Fahrenheit (10 million degrees Celsius).

But that isn't all. 

Like a misbehaving toddler, not all of a supermassive black hole's "food" is going into its "mouth." Powerful magnetic fields channel some of the matter in accretion disks to the poles of the black hole in the process accelerating these charged particles to near the speed of light. Like your child throwing its food at you.

From the two poles of the black hole, this matter erupts outwards as parallel astrophysical jets. These jets are also accompanied by the emission of light across the electromagnetic spectrum, especially powerful in radio waves.

As a result of these contributions, AGNs can be so bright that they outshine the combined light of every star in the galaxy surrounding them.

A diagram showing the effects of dust heated by jets (right) and dust heated by radiation fielsds (Image credit: Newcastle University)

The dust that surrounds AGNs can often block our view of their hearts by absorbing visible light and other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Infrared light, however, can give this dust the slip, and conveniently, the JWST sees the cosmos in infrared. That means the powerful space telescope is the perfect tool to peer into the center of AGNs.

When the GATOs team did this for ESO 428-G14, they found that dust near the supermassive black hole is spreading out along its jet. This revealed an unexpected relationship between the jets and the dust, suggesting that these powerful outflows could be responsible for both heating and shaping the dust.

Further studying the connection between jets and dust around supermassive black holes could reveal the impact these cosmic titans have on shaping their galaxies, and how material is recycled in AGNs.

"Having the opportunity to work with exclusive JWST data and access these stunning images before anyone else is beyond thrilling," Houda Haidar, a PhD student in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics at Newcastle University, said. "I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the GATOS team. Working closely with leading experts in the field is truly a privilege.''

The team's research was published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

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Robert Lea
Senior Writer

Robert Lea is a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst.

    Admin said:
    By examining a distant supermassive black hole, astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope have found a shocking link between jets and dust around these cosmic titans.

    James Webb Space Telescope finds a shock near supermassive black hole (image) : Read more
    They got all of that out of that blurry image?

    Using what form of logic?
  • Classical Motion
    It’s done with DSP. Digital Signal Processing. Basically it compares the change of pixel intensity…..and the rate of change of that intensity. So it’s the amplitude level AND the rate of change of that level.

    This will show up as patterns in the image. False colors can be added to contrast those patterns.

    These techniques have been used for decades now and have been improved and refined.

    However they can fool people. With confirmation bias. This processing can also introduce artifacts which are supposed to be filtered out. AND there are math relationships that can appear that are not part of the input data. They can be miss-leading.

    And the equations we use for the input are described in a false way, at least in my opinion.

    These techniques are use for rotational motion too. Red and blue shifts.
    Classical Motion said:
    It’s done with DSP. Digital Signal Processing. Basically it compares the change of pixel intensity…..and the rate of change of that intensity. So it’s the amplitude level AND the rate of change of that level.

    This will show up as patterns in the image. False colors can be added to contrast those patterns.

    These techniques have been used for decades now and have been improved and refined.

    However they can fool people. With confirmation bias. This processing can also introduce artifacts which are supposed to be filtered out. AND there are math relationships that can appear that are not part of the input data. They can be miss-leading.

    And the equations we use for the input are described in a false way, at least in my opinion.

    These techniques are use for rotational motion too. Red and blue shifts.
    LOL the Webb telescope just discovered more of nothing. They are faking everything at this point, the question is why
  • Classical Motion
    I can only say I guess they believe these theories. Those theories only tell me that we are missing something very fundamental and very BIG.
    Classical Motion said:
    I can only say I guess they believe these theories. Those theories only tell me that we are missing something very fundamental and very BIG.
    There are about 500 youtoob vids on what the James Webb telescope just discovered. 499 of them are complete nonsense
  • COLGeek
    ZZTOP said:
    There are about 500 youtoob vids on what the James Webb telescope just discovered. 499 of them are complete nonsense
    And why that is not the source for real science, or much of anything else for that matter.

    News flash! Everything on the Interwebs isn't real!
    COLGeek said:
    And why that is not the source for real science, or much of anything else for that matter.

    News flash! Everything on the Interwebs isn't real!
    The thing that gets me is not the nonsense vids, because they are just made by people trying to make a buck. What baffles me are the people discussing the vids as though they are real just because they are there.
  • COLGeek
    ZZTOP said:
    The thing that gets me is not the nonsense vids, because they are just made by people trying to make a buck. What baffles me are the people discussing the vids as though they are real just because they are there.
    Like so many other subjects as well. Ignorance is not only bliss, but makes money, and reinforces any number of ill informed positions.
    COLGeek said:
    Like so many other subjects as well. Ignorance is not only bliss, but makes money, and reinforces any number of ill informed positions.
    James Webb Telescope Just Detected City Lights 7 Trillions Miles From Earth
    ejbxy70Ln18View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejbxy70Ln18

    Wow, how cool is that

  • Classical Motion
    I am convinced that there are large quantities of invisible matter all thru out this universe. Stars produce it. And it has a density gradient. AND that gradient can bow light.

    And with 13 billion years of burning, there might be more invisible matter than visible matter now.

    But this matter would not be dipole matter and so, not gravitational. It would bow light but not matter.