Potentially habitable planet TRAPPIST-1b may have a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere

An illustration of Trappist-1 b shortly before it passes behind the cool, red dwarf star, Trappist-1. Such stars are known for their activity with large starspots and eruptions. Trappist-1 b may experience intense volcanism.
An illustration of Trappist-1 b shortly before it passes behind the cool, red dwarf star, Trappist-1. Such stars are known for their activity with large starspots and eruptions. Trappist-1 b may experience intense volcanism. (Image credit: Thomas Müller (HdA/MPIA))

The innermost Earth-like planet in the famous TRAPPIST-1 system might be capable of supporting a thick atmosphere after all, according to new research.

Since the system of seven tightly-packed, Earth-sized worlds was discovered in 2017, huddled in remarkable harmony just 40 light-years from Earth, astronomers have tried to determine whether any support atmosphere, which is critical to harbor life as we know it.

Previous observations from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have suggested all planets in the system would be barren, airless rocks thanks to violent, atmosphere-stripping radiation unleashed by their host star. However, a fresh analysis of JWST data on the innermost planet, TRAPPIST-1b, suggests that it may have a hazy, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere. Alternatively, the new measurements also reveal an unexpectedly high temperature for TRAPPIST-1b's surface, potentially indicating that the world is roiling with volcanic activity.

Despite the system being the best-studied planetary system outside of our own solar system, detecting atmospheres on its planets has proven challenging. That is the result of the unusual characteristics of their tiny and cool host red dwarf star, which can mimic atmospheric signals that are already weak and hard to detect.

Does Trappist-1b resemble Saturn's moon Titan?

Earlier JWST measurements of the planet's radiation at a single wavelength of 15 micrometers suggested a thick carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere was unlikely since carbon dioxide strongly absorbs light at this wavelength and thus would have noticeably reduced the observed radiation.

That led researchers to conclude last year that TRAPPIST-1b is most likely a ball of rock whose dark surface would have been battered to inhospitality by stellar radiation and meteorite impacts.

In contrast, the new measurements, which were gathered at a different wavelength of 12.8 micrometers, suggest not only a thick, carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere but one that includes highly reflective haze, akin to smog seen here on Earth. That haze, the researchers say, causes the planet's upper atmosphere to be hotter than the layers below, creating an environment where carbon dioxide emits light rather than absorbing it, which could explain the lack of an expected dip in previous observations.

"One plus one is more than two—having two data points for Trappist-1b now allows us to explore alternative scenarios for its atmosphere, whether it exists or not," study co-author Leen Decin of KU Leuven in Belgium said in a recent news release.

A large orange sphere next to seven smaller brown and blue orbs

An illustration of the seven Earth-like planets orbit the Trappist-1 star. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

Such dynamics are known to occur on Saturn's largest moon Titan, for instance, but "the chemistry in the atmosphere of TRAPPIST-1b is expected to be very different from Titan or any of the solar system's rocky bodies," study co-author Michiel Min of SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research said in the same statement. "It is fascinating to think we might be looking at a type of atmosphere we have never seen before."

The researchers are now tracking how heat is redistributed on the planet as it circles the host star, which will aid them in determining the planet’s atmosphere.

"If an atmosphere exists, the heat should be distributed from the day side of the planet to its night side," said Michaël Gillon, an astronomer at the University of Liege in Belgium, who led the international team that discovered the seven TRAPPIST-1 planets. "Without an atmosphere, the redistribution of heat would be minimal."

This research is described in a paper published Monday (Dec. 16) in Nature Astronomy.

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Sharmila Kuthunur
Contributing Writer

Sharmila Kuthunur is a Seattle-based science journalist focusing on astronomy and space exploration. Her work has also appeared in Scientific American, Astronomy and Live Science, among other publications. She has earned a master's degree in journalism from Northeastern University in Boston. Follow her on BlueSky @skuthunur.bsky.social

  • rod
    A well studied exoplanet here :) Does the exoplanet TRAPPIST-1 b have an atmosphere after all?https://phys.org/news/2024-12-exoplanet-trappist-atmosphere.html
    "...The crust of TRAPPIST-1 b could be geologically active "However, the idea of a rocky planet with a heavily weathered surface without an atmosphere is inconsistent with the current measurement," says MPIA astronomer Jeroen Bouwman, who was jointly responsible for the observation program. "Therefore, we think the planet is covered with relatively unchanged material." Usually, the surface is weathered by the radiation of the central star and impacts from meteorites. However, the results suggest that the rock on the surface is at most about 1000 years old, significantly less than the planet itself, which is estimated to date back several billion years. This could indicate that the planet's crust is subject to dramatic changes, which could be explained by extreme volcanism or plate tectonics."

    My note, still nothing definite about TRAPPIST-1 b containing an atmosphere and there exist age conflict calculations too concerning the surface age and system age, some 7 Gyr or older in various sources. Other past reports on this exoplanet.

    This TRAPPIST-1 exoplanet seems to have no atmosphere — the truth may hide in its star, James Webb Space Telescope reveals, https://forums.space.com/threads/this-trappist-1-exoplanet-seems-to-have-no-atmosphere-%E2%80%94-the-truth-may-hide-in-its-star-james-webb-space-telescope-reveals.63312/
    James Webb Space Telescope's first spectrum of a TRAPPIST-1 planet, https://phys.org/news/2023-09-james-webb-space-telescope-spectrum.html
    My note, TRAPPIST-1 b may indeed be a *bare rock* and if the other TRAPPIST-1 system exoplanets are similar (little or no atmospheres), that would pose challenges for astrobiology.
  • rod
    "Potentially habitable planet TRAPPIST-1b..." My observation. This is part of the title for this report, however, what I read on TRAPPIST-1 b, does not look like a *potentially habitable planet*. The title is sexy and eye catching but not good science IMO.