Mobile astronomy: Put the Milky Way in your pocket with 'Our Galaxy' smartphone app

The new Our Galaxy app contains thousands of deep-sky objects that can be displayed in their true locations within our home galaxy, the Milky Way, and viewed from any perspective. This view shows how globular clusters, densely packed balls of ancient stars, orbit the galactic core like bees around a hive. M13 is a bright globular cluster that is easily visible in backyard telescopes during the summer months.  (Image credit:

From time to time at star parties, I encountered someone who isn't very impressed with the dim, fuzzy object I'm showing them through my telescope. But once I explain what the object is, how far away it is, and how it connects to our place in the galaxy and the wider universe beyond, it sparks their imagination and they look at it again with renewed interest and appreciation. A new fun and educational app called Our Galaxy will let anyone learn about our place in the cosmos, and feel that sense of wonder.

In addition to the obvious bright planets and stars, the night sky is sprinkled with star clusters, nebulas, and distant galaxies, many of which are revealed by looking through binoculars and backyard telescopes. Astronomers refer to those exotic objects as deep-sky objects. Their positions in the sky aren't completely random. Star clusters and nebulas populate the spiral arms of our home galaxy, the Milky Way — with more of them occurring closer to the center of the galaxy and fewer of them appearing along its outer rim. Their locations in the sky allow astronomers to trace out the structure and dimensions of our galaxy, and to determine where new stars are being formed within it. 

Related: Stunning photos of our Milky Way Galaxy (gallery)

The Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy consisting of concentrated bands, or arms, of gas, dust, and stars that wrap around the galaxy's elongated core. The names that astronomers have assigned to each arm reflect the constellation in the area of Earth's sky where those arms are located. (Image credit:

Planetary nebulas are the corpses of stars not unlike our sun that reached the end of their lives. Those objects can appear anywhere in our sky because our sun sits within a 3-dimensional volume of space; surrounded by stars of all ages. Globular clusters are spherical, densely-packed collections of old stars that orbit our galaxy like bees around a hive — so they tend to be found near the band of the Milky Way, but not inside it. Distant galaxies are sprinkled throughout the sky, but they can only be mapped and observed where our own galaxy's gas and dust don't block their distant light.

Bill Tschumy, one of the creators of the popular SkySafari app, has created the perfect tool to understand our place in the Universe. The Our Galaxy app for iOS and MacOS lets users visualize the locations and physical properties of deep-sky objects within and around our galaxy. The app is a relatively small download at less than 60 Mb. Once loaded on your iPhone, it puts a deep sky expert in your pocket — and the larger display on an iPad really shows off its wealth of detailed imagery. 

Viewing our galaxy

The Our Galaxy app can be operated in two modes that are enabled by tapping Galaxy or Sky on the app's toolbar. The toolbar also features icons to open the search menu and Views library, read a page of information about the selected object, toggle red-light night mode, open the app's settings menu and help. Two whimsical spaceship-shaped icons in the toolbar serve as zoom controls — one flies you closer, the other flies you out.

This oblique and magnified view of the Milky Way region near our sun shows the locations of the many open star clusters that are sprinkled throughout the night sky, and their relative sizes. Clusters located closer to our sun, such as the Pleiades, and the Hyades Cluster that forms Taurus' face, are visible to the unaided eye. More distant clusters are revealed in binoculars and backyard telescopes.  (Image credit:

Galaxy View presents a 3-dimensional model of our Milky Way's barred spiral form that you can tilt and rotate, and zoom in and out of. A single tap in the Settings Orientation menu lets you select preset orientations, such as an edge-on view and a face-on view. In the Center menu, you can choose to keep our sun in the center, or rotate around the galactic core or around a selected star or deep-sky object. Across the top of the screen are shown your distance from the selected object, and the field of view (FOV) being displayed in light-years.

Sky View draws a rectangular (orthographic) map of the entire sky as viewed from Earth. Sky coordinates in degrees are labelled around the perimeter of the map. The major stars and lines that form the constellations are plotted in white on a black background. The deep-sky objects are overlain using colored symbols. The map can be enlarged and panned around. Tapping a symbol shows its object's name. Plotting one or more categories of deep-sky objects on the map view illustrate how they can be used to define our galaxy's structure, or be completely independent of it — all useful information for understanding how galaxies like ours are structured. A single tap switches between sky and galaxy view.

The Our Galaxy app's Sky View translates the positions of deep-sky objects onto a full map of the sky as viewed from Earth. White dots and lines represent the stars and constellations, while colored symbols denote the objects' locations. Tapping a symbol summons information about it.  (Image credit:

The app is highly configurable. You can decide whether to display labelled names next to the symbols, identify the various spiral arms of the galaxy, and show the Constellation Sectors — the portions of the Milky Way that lie in the direction of certain constellations, such as Orion, Gemini or Cygnus. 

To clean up the view, simply enter the settings menu and tap the remove options.

The app contains an extensive library of stars and objects. An object can be selected by typing its name or its designation into the search menu — or by tapping its symbol on the screen. Multiple deep-sky objects can be displayed at the same time, as I describe below.

The search menu offers a powerful way to work with the different types of objects in the catalog. In addition to selecting all types or single categories, the search results can be filtered by magnitude, distance, apparent size and more. Searches can be performed on the full-sky or within a selected constellation.  (Image credit:

The app's powerful search menu allows you to type all or a portion of an object's name or designation, include or exclude object types, and limit the search to specific ranges of magnitude (brightness), distance, age, size and more. You can even search all constellations, or select a single constellation. 

The list of results can then be displayed on the map or 3D model. It's especially interesting to see how the stars and deep-sky objects of a single constellation fall at vastly different distances from our sun.

The more you work with the app, the more you will learn about astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology — all presented using clear, understandable text and graphics. 

The views menu allows you to display all objects in a category — or open the containing folder to select specialized sub-categories, such as Emission Nebulae only. Tapping the information icon at right opens a clearly written description of each category. Additional features, such as the galaxy's dark matter halo, can be overlain on the display. (Image credit:

The Views library is especially educational for understanding how various classes of objects populate the galaxy. Nine categories are offered: individual stars and OB Associations (hot, bright stars), open and globular clusters, various types of nebulas, galaxies, and our galaxy's structural components. There is also an entry for the list of well-known Messier objects. Each entry has an information icon to summon a description of that object class.

Tapping any category opens a sublist that allows you to select all members of the class, or sub-groups. For example, in the Diffuse Nebulae view, you can treat emission and reflection nebulas as separate groups, or combined, each type color-coded appropriately (with red for light emitted from hydrogen, blue for starlight scattered off dust, and green for both phenomena).

The Visibility menu contains sliders to plot galactic axes and to add wire mesh representations of the galaxy's central bulge, dark matter halo sphere, and more.

Travel far beyond the Milky Way and display the 3D positions of galaxies mapped within the observable universe. This view shows a fraction of the galaxy database — the positions and relative sizes of the nearby galaxies in our Local Group. (Image credit:

For cosmology buffs, the app contains 3D locations for hundreds of galaxies. Selecting the galaxy category and using "Galaxy view" puts you 92 billion light-years away from home. Manipulating the model shows how some galaxies concentrate in groups while others leave empty voids in the visible universe. 

The Our Galaxy app will give you a true perspective on our place in space. Bill Tschumy has posted a YouTube video demonstration of the app here. Enjoy exploring the galaxy and, as always, keep looking up!

Chris Vaughan is an astronomy public outreach and education specialist at AstroGeo, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, and an operator of the historic 74-inch (1.88-meter) David Dunlap Observatory telescope. You can reach him via email, and follow him on Twitter @astrogeoguy, as well as on Facebook and Tumblr. Follow SkySafari on Twitter @SkySafariAstro. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom and on Facebook.

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Chris Vaughan

Chris Vaughan, aka @astrogeoguy, is an award-winning astronomer and Earth scientist with, based near Toronto, Canada. He is a member of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada and hosts their Insider's Guide to the Galaxy webcasts on YouTube. An avid visual astronomer, Chris operates the historic 74˝ telescope at the David Dunlap Observatory. He frequently organizes local star parties and solar astronomy sessions, and regularly delivers presentations about astronomy and Earth and planetary science, to students and the public in his Digital Starlab portable planetarium. His weekly Astronomy Skylights blog at is enjoyed by readers worldwide. He is a regular contributor to SkyNews magazine, writes the monthly Night Sky Calendar for in cooperation with Simulation Curriculum, the creators of Starry Night and SkySafari, and content for several popular astronomy apps. His book "110 Things to See with a Telescope", was released in 2021.

  • Lord Arnold
    I can't seem to find this "Our Galaxy" app. Is it only on Apple products or not out yet? Maybe I should reread the article to see if I missed something from it jumping around on my screen from different ads loading up.
  • btschumy
    As stated in the article, the app is only available for iOS and macOS. At this time there are no plans for an Android version. Sorry.

    Bill (app developer).
  • JNavas
    Android has a much larger market share than iOS,
    86.6% to 13.4%, so that would be seriously limiting.
  • Buja
    JNavas said:
    Android has a much larger market share than iOS,
    86.6% to 13.4%, so that would be seriously limiting.
    Most of the community prefers Apple.
  • btschumy
    I have developed for both iOS and Android. With my products I've made much more from iOS than Android. Android people seem less inclined to buy apps.
  • JNavas
    Buja said:
    Most of the community prefers Apple.
    The current community. Suggest you broaden your horizons.
    There are many more Android users than iOS users.
    btschumy said:
    I have developed for both iOS and Android. With my products I've made much more from iOS than Android. Android people seem less inclined to buy apps.
    Fair point, but there are many successful paid Android apps.
    The trick is to make the paid app better than the free ones.
    (I'm an Android developer.)
  • btschumy
    I thought I'd update this old thread to make everyone aware that I've released Our Galaxy 2.0 as a cross-platform app. It is available on iOS, macOS, Windows, Android, and running in a web browser.

    In addition, the app in now free as my gift to the astronomy community. You can learn more at