NASA tests cellphone-sized underwater robots for potential ocean world missions (video)

A swarm of tiny robots destined to search for life on a faraway moon recently began its journey in a swimming pool here on Earth.

The SWIM robots — short for Sensing With Independent Microswimmers — demonstrated impressive maneuverability during recent tests in the swimming pool at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Pushed along by propellers, the miniature, wedge-shaped robots steered themselves to stay on course, executed a back-and-forth "lawnmower" pattern, and even spelled out "J-P-L," according to a NASA statement.  

Designed to one day search for evidence of life in the briny ocean beneath the icy shell of Jupiter's moon Europa, these robots could play a key role in detecting chemical and temperature signals that might indicate alien life, according to scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), who designed and tested the robots.

A SWIM robot being tested in a swimming pool at Caltech in September. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

"People might ask, why is NASA developing an underwater robot for space exploration?" said Ethan Schaler, the project's principal investigator at JPL. "It's because there are places we want to go in the solar system to look for life, and we think life needs water."

"We need robots that can explore those environments — autonomously, hundreds of millions of miles from home," he added.

A model of the final envisioned SWIM robot, right, beside a capsule holding an ocean-composition sensor. The sensor was tested on an Alaskan glacier in July 2023. (Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech)

The latest prototypes are 3D-printed plastics put together using inexpensive, commercially-made motors and electronics. These robotic swimmers would eventually also be equipped with wireless underwater communication systems to transmit data and triangulate their positions while exploring the oceans of distant icy moons.

The robot used for the pool tests was about 16.5 inches (42 centimeters) long. The team hopes to eventually bring it down to about 5 inches (12 centimeters) long, no bigger than a cellphone. To ensure it could be rescued if needed during any of the 20 rounds of testing in the 25-yard (23-meter) pool, it was attached to a fishing line, with an engineer walking alongside carrying the rod.

"Underwater robots in general are very hard, and this is just the first in a series of designs we'd have to work through to prepare for a trip to an ocean world," said Schaler. "But it's proof that we can build these robots with the necessary capabilities and begin to understand what challenges they would face on a subsurface mission."

Engineers are meanwhile testing SWIM robots in computer simulations that replicate the pressure and gravity the robots would encounter on the moon. By repeatedly sending such palm-sized robots in the search for signs of life in those virtual environments, scientists say they are optimizing the robots' design and honing their abilities to collect science data in unknown terrains.

One key innovation created for the robotic swarm is a tiny, multi-sensor chip developed by engineers at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, capable of measuring temperature, pressure, acidity, conductivity, and chemical composition — all critical factors in the search for life.

It will be years before the bots can wade through Europa's hidden ocean, which scientists suspect harbors twice as much liquid water than all of Earth's oceans combined. Thanks to this vast, subsurface ocean, Europa is considered one of the most promising places in our solar system to search for alien life. The moon was extensively studied by NASA's Galileo mission in the 1990s, which provided compelling evidence of the moon's hidden ocean. The next robotic mission to study Europa, Europa Clipper, is enroute for a four-year investigation of the moon's potential to support some form of alien life.

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Sharmila Kuthunur
Contributing Writer

Sharmila Kuthunur is a Seattle-based science journalist focusing on astronomy and space exploration. Her work has also appeared in Scientific American, Astronomy and Live Science, among other publications. She has earned a master's degree in journalism from Northeastern University in Boston. Follow her on BlueSky

  • Timeotek
    I propose that what we need are thousands of "fishing bots" that are controlled remotely by VIDEO GAME PLAYERS. For decades, some people have said "video games are nothing but a waste of time", and dismiss the skills that are required to excell as unimportant... but with the right tech, such people could have the "job" of "catching fish" for public consumption while never leaving their own homes.
    - individualized control of these "sharkbots" could enable us to catch fish efficiently (possibly alive) WITHOUT the huge amount of collateral damage (i.e. things killed accidently) that current fishing techniques often cause.
    - add in some prizes for top performers, and I think there would be many interested potential pilots.
    - yes, onsite people would still be needed to maintain the sharkbot fleet, which would probably have a central "command center" on a nearby giant ship, that would recharge the batteries and/or fuel tanks.
  • Unclear Engineer
    I think you would find that the prey fish are more agile than the game players, given the lag between the suburban basements and the bots in the ocean.

    Maybe use drone pilots who are actually aboard the ship, with direct radio links to the bots for video and control.

    Hope you don't get seasick.
  • Timeotek
    Unclear Engineer said:
    I think you would find that the prey fish are more agile than the game players, given the lag between the suburban basements and the bots in the ocean.

    Maybe use drone pilots who are actually aboard the ship, with direct radio links to the bots for video and control.

    Hope you don't get seasick.
    Sea sickness is generally attributed to the up and down motion of floating crafts (due to waves), however it is true that some people get "VR sickness", but presumably those people would not apply.

    Your point about net lag is also valid, but it is also true that gamers learn to anticipate net lag while playing and learn to adapt to a large degree. The bots could also have mini harpoons, sonic stun cannons , or other gadgets to make up for the reaction lag.
  • Unclear Engineer
    You see to have missed the point that the "drivers" of your submarine bots would need to be on the boats, to avoid the lag time for signals to be sent from their basements to the satellites and then to another satellite and then to the boat.

    So, they might very well get sea sick. Sea sickness is usually associated with people feeling motion and not being able to see the horizon, such as when below decks, especially if working with artificial images that don't match the motions felt.

    I think you need to get out of the basement more often, to see how the real world actually works.

    Nets are far cheaper and more energy efficient than swarms of submarine bots driven by basement dwellers on the far end of high tech communications links.

    But, if you disagree, you could try to prove me wrong by starting a company and doing what you propose. Let me know when you get rich from the scheme.
  • Classical Motion
    Would such a strategy work for mosquito control? The numbers say no, just like for fish. Only a net can meet the demand. And there are always tares in any harvest.

    We know the ocean can support much more because of past records. So much, many thought is was non ending.