New 'StarRupture' gameplay trailer is a killer bug hunt on a crazy planet (video)

StarRupture - GAMEPLAY REVEAL - YouTube StarRupture - GAMEPLAY REVEAL - YouTube
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A number of new science fiction-centric video games blazed into the marketplace during the dog days of summer. Some reached orbit successfully, and some exploded dramatically on the launch pad before even clearing the tower.

With so many high-profile projects arriving over the past few months, some costing over $200 million to bring from concept to conclusion, it seems like many of the smaller indie developers here in the U.S. and around the globe are finding gamers flocking to their lesser-known projects after being disappointed by over-hyped titles that did not deliver as expected.

Creepy Jar's "StarRupture," which was originally code-named Chimera, could be one of these fortunate few receiving additional attention with its intriguing gameplay and smart mechanics that align partially with events that unfolded in Netflix's "3 Body Problem" series. Check out the dynamic gameplay trailer above!

Key art for Creepy Jar's upcoming sci-fi game, "StarRupture." (Image credit: Creepy Jar)

Here's the official synopsis:

"'StarRupture' is a first-person open world base-building game with advanced combat and tons of exploration. Play alone or in a group of up to four players on this sublime and ever-changing planet, extract and manage resources, create your complex industrial system and fight off hordes of alien monsters."

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Some of the unique aspects witnessed in this extended preview are the atmospheric and geologic anomalies erupting all around your exiled convict character, caused by the exoplanet's erratic, unstable star cycling through sequences of destruction. 

Sprint through your fortified outpost as high-velocity projectiles pump into swarms of crawling alien creatures in a detailed environment as retro-styled synthwave music plays. Keep in mind that this gameplay footage is early in the development process, but it's definitely an exciting sneak peek nevertheless.

StarRupture Devlog #1 - Welcome to the Rupture - YouTube StarRupture Devlog #1 - Welcome to the Rupture - YouTube
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Creepy Jar is a small but impressive indie game publisher and developer based in Warsaw, Poland. They initially landed on the scene in 2016 and first struck gold with "Green Hell" back in 2021. That open world survival simulator, set in the uncharted wilds of the Amazonian rainforest, went on to sell over five million copies worldwide for Playstation, Xbox and Steam. 

The ambitious Creepy Jar team might be limited in number but, as Yoda said in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back," "Size matters not." Their skilled roster includes distinguished creators whose works have been seen in games like "Dying Light" and "The Witcher 2." Keep this promising sci-fi shooter title on your radar!

"StarRupture" and its bug hunt on a hostile planet arrives for PC sometime in 2024.

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Jeff Spry
Contributing Writer

Jeff Spry is an award-winning screenwriter and veteran freelance journalist covering TV, movies, video games, books, and comics. His work has appeared at SYFY Wire, Inverse, Collider, Bleeding Cool and elsewhere. Jeff lives in beautiful Bend, Oregon amid the ponderosa pines, classic muscle cars, a crypt of collector horror comics, and two loyal English Setters.