STEM and space: Building what's next

People who are interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) are self-starters. They're interested in experimenting, crafting, and creating. More than anything, they're aware that the path to the future isn't given to us; we build it ourselves. Now, you can help build it with the unique skills you bring to the table, and there's no better place to put those skills to use than in the United States Space Force (USSF).

STEM skills are necessary for a wide range of jobs in the USSF. Want to protect the confidential information behind a firewall or build electrical systems that power our journey into orbit? Read on to see some of the rewarding and challenging career paths offered to STEM experts.

An infographic on STEM jobs in the United States Space Force

(Image credit: Karl Tate)

Whether you prefer to work in business casual or a military uniform, the USSF lets you get in on the ground floor of exciting new technology. See if it's right for you and start building our future today.

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Karl Tate contributor

Karl's association with goes back to 2000, when he was hired to produce interactive Flash graphics. From 2010 to 2016, Karl worked as an infographics specialist across all editorial properties of Purch (formerly known as TechMediaNetwork).  Before joining, Karl spent 11 years at the New York headquarters of The Associated Press, creating news graphics for use around the world in newspapers and on the web.  He has a degree in graphic design from Louisiana State University and now works as a freelance graphic designer in New York City.