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Sex between space tourists will happen eventually. But are we ready for babies conceived off Earth?
By David Cullen published
Humans have a knack for sharing intimate moments in unlikely places...
New data reveal US space economy's output is shrinking – an economist explains in 3 charts
By Jay L. Zagorsky published
Using the broad definition and adjusting for inflation, the relative size of the space economy fell by about one-fifth from 2012 to 2021.
NASA's Psyche mission to a metal world may reveal the mysteries of Earth's interior
By Jim Bell published
Can what we learn about the metal asteroid Psyche with NASA's upcoming mission of the same name be extrapolated to solve some of the mysteries about the Earth's core?
Researchers dig deep underground in hopes of finally observing dark matter
By Hugh Lippincott published
Physicists like me don't fully understand what makes up "dark matter." Deep beneath South Dakota, we're trying to change that.
First contact with aliens could end in colonization and genocide if we don't learn from history
By David Delgado Shorter, Kim TallBear, William Lembert published
How humanity responds to the first contact with intelligent alien life could determine the very fate of our species. Here's what we can learn from history.
The largest known asteroid impact structure on Earth is buried in southeast Australia, new evidence suggests
By Andrew Glikson published
Search for Life In a new study, scientists reveal new evidence for the largest asteroid impact structure on Earth buried Australia in southern New South Wales.
Curious Kids: What comes after space?
By Maggie Lieu published
To find out what is beyond space, a good place to start would be to figure out where space – our universe – ends. The problem is we don't know where space ends, or even if it ends at all.
Over 100 space rocks collected by meteorite hunter Geoffrey Notkin are up for auction today
By Geoffrey Notkin published
Over 100 different meteorite fragments collected by famed space rock hunter Geoffrey Notkin are currently up for bidding from Heritage Auctions.
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