Night Sky Pictures: Stargazer Photos of Stars and Planets
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Latest about night sky photos
Lasers cut through star trails in beautiful photo from the European Southern Observatory
By Samantha Mathewson published
A new long exposure image from the European Southern Observatory captures stars as they travel overhead, creating what is known as star trails with the help of bright laser guide star beams.
Watch the glow of the Milky Way and ghostly zodiacal light during the 2023 Perseid meteor shower (video)
By Miguel Claro published
The new moon glows in the sky above Turkey with the reflected light of Earth shining upon it in gorgeous photos by astrophotographer Miguel Claro.
See the Super 'Blue' Moon of 2023 rise over a castle in this epic photo and time-lapse video
By Miguel Claro published
A single shot shows a Super Full “Blue” Moon which don’t have nothing of blue, rising above Monsaraz castle at Dark Sky® Alqueva, in Portugal.
The loss of dark skies is so painful, astronomers coined a new term for it
By Paul Sutter published
Humanity is slowly losing access to the night sky, and astronomers have invented a new term to describe the pain associated with this loss: 'noctalgia,' meaning 'night grief.'
Stunning image of Andromeda galaxy takes top astronomy photography prize of 2023 (gallery)
By Josh Dinner published
The Royal Observatory of Greenwich's annual contest draws more than 4,000 submissions, and the winning images from this year's categories are stunning.
Perseid meteor shower 2023 lights up the sky in these gorgeous reader photos (gallery)
By Josh Dinner published
Gaze at some of our best 2023 Perseid meteor shower photo submissions from across the world.
Why Venus is now a slim crescent and will disappear from the evening sky this weekend
By Jamie Carter published
Venus is approaching 'inferior conjunction' as it swaps from being the 'Evening Star' to the 'Morning Star,' passing between Earth and the sun in the meantime.
Shiny Perseid meteors light up a dark sky in Portugal (video)
By Miguel Claro published
The Perseid meteor shower will bring shooting stars to your neighborhood on Aug. 11 and Aug. 12. You can get a preview of the spectacular show in this video.
New book 'Stargazing: Contemplating the Cosmos to Find Inner Peace' teaches meditation to bring stargazing down to Earth
By Josh Dinner published
Swapna Krishna, author of the new book "Stargazing: Contemplating the Cosmos to Find Inner Peace," writes a guide to getting the most out of the night sky wherever you are.
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