Newly discovered super-Earth orbits in and out of its star's habitable zone. Could life survive its extreme climate?
The climate on such a world must be beyond bizarre.
A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star's habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away.
The planet, known as HD 20794d, gets farther out from its star than Mars is from the sun and, on the other end of its orbit, as close as Venus. Each orbit the planet begins out beyond the habitable zone, where it is too cold for liquid water, before passing right through the habitable zone to its inner edge where temperatures rise for a short period, before the planet moves back out again.
The planet provides a brilliant target for the next generation of telescopes to probe its atmosphere, and for scientists to test the extreme limits of planetary habitability. "Its luminosity and proximity make it an ideal candidate for future telescopes whose mission will be to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets directly," said Xavier Dumusque of the University of Geneva in a statement. Dumusque is a member of the team that discovered and characterized the new planet.
HD 20794d has a mass 6.6 times greater than Earth and was found by astronomers using the ESPRESSO and HARPS spectrographs on the European Southern Observatory's telescopes in Chile. These instruments measure what's termed 'radial velocity' — the amount by which a star wobbles around the center of mass that it shares with its planets. In general, the larger the wobble, the greater the mass of the planet. It's the wobbling star that has betrayed the existence of HD 20794d — astronomers have not directly observed HD 20794d, nor taken a picture of it or even seen it in transit yet.
The star in question, HD 20794 — also known as 82 Eridani — is a yellow G6-type star that's slightly dimmer and less massive than our own sun. It's also relatively bright in our night sky, shining at magnitude 4.3, which is bright enough to be seen with the unaided eye in the constellation of Eridanus, the River. In contrast, many of the stars hosting exoplanets are too faint to be seen with the naked eye, which marks out HD 20794 as something special.
Because of how close the HD 20794 system is to us, it has been well observed over the past 20 years and has a somewhat mixed history when it comes to exoplanets. HD 20794d orbits its star with two other super-Earth planets, designated b and c, which orbit their star every 18.3 and 89.6 days, respectively. These were discovered in 2011 by a team of Geneva astronomers including Dumusque. At the same time, the team found evidence for a third planet, with an orbital period of 40 days, but this was later shown to be false. Only now has the real third planet become apparent in the data.
"We analyzed the data for years, carefully eliminating sources of contamination," said Michael Cretignier of the University of Oxford. Cretignier was previously at Geneva, where he developed an algorithm called YARARA to carefully search the data and pick out an exoplanet's faint radial velocity signal from the background noise. YARARA proved vital in the effort to confirm HD 20974d as being real.
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What's most remarkable about this new planet, however, is its orbit. While Johannes Kepler taught us that no planetary orbit is perfectly circular, most adhere to an orbit that is pretty close to being a circle. Some worlds, however, have more elongated orbits. The degree of elongation, known as eccentricity, is measured on a scale of 0 (for a perfect circle) to 1 (a hyperbola). Earth's orbital eccentricity is 0.017; Mars' is 0.055, and Mercury's is 0.206.
HD 20794d's orbit is more elongated than any planet in our solar system, with an eccentricity of 0.4. Its 647-day-long orbit is 40 days shorter than Mars, giving you an idea of where it is located in its planetary system. However, the large eccentricity means its orbit ranges from as far as 2 astronomical units (300 million km/186 million miles — i.e. twice the Earth–sun distance) from its star to as close as 0.75 AU (112 million km/69.7 million miles).
In the context of our solar system, Mars — on the outer edge of our habitable zone — orbits our sun at an average distance of 1.5 astronomical units (228 million km/141 million miles), while Venus, on the inner edge of the habitable zone, orbits at 0.72 astronomical units (108 million km/67 million miles) from our sun.
The climate on such a world must be beyond bizarre. Winters would be long and hard, and life might struggle to survive on a planet that spends most of its time frozen. Then spring would come, melting the ice, followed by a brief but intense summer when oceans might even begin to evaporate, only to precipitate back out as rain in autumn and snow in winter. Whether life could survive on such an extreme world is unknown.
On Earth, our seasons are driven by our planet's 23.4-degree tilt; for instance, northern summer occurs when our planet's northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. No matter the tilt of HD 20794d, its seasons are instead determined by how far it has progressed along its eccentric orbit. It is a remarkable planet.
The origins of such a large degree of eccentricity lie in the HD 20794d's distant past, Dumusque tells "The eccentricity of planets are a remnant of planet–planet interactions during the early days of a planetary system," he says. Although the other two planets, b and c, do not have eccentric orbits, something may have perturbed the orbit of HD 20794d not long after it formed.
"For example, there could have been another giant planet in the early phase of formation," said Dumusque. "The giant planet could have influenced the orbit of planet d, and then that giant planet was ejected outside of the system."
The discovery of this exciting new world is detailed in Astronomy & Astrophysics.
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Keith Cooper is a freelance science journalist and editor in the United Kingdom, and has a degree in physics and astrophysics from the University of Manchester. He's the author of "The Contact Paradox: Challenging Our Assumptions in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" (Bloomsbury Sigma, 2020) and has written articles on astronomy, space, physics and astrobiology for a multitude of magazines and websites.
Helio Interesting planet and, as noted, close to us. It has several less eccentric sister planets, too.Reply
The greater the eccentricity, per one paper, the greater the net luminosity impacts the planet, so it can orbit farther out beyond the outer HZ (HZo) than otherwise.
Here's my shot at illustrating it. The green area is the habitabile zone.
Unclear Engineer A few comments and questions:Reply
1. The article states both
"The planet provides a brilliant target for the next generation of telescopes to probe its atmosphere, and for scientists to test the extreme limits of planetary habitability. 'Its luminosity and proximity make it an ideal candidate for future telescopes whose mission will be to observe the atmospheres of exoplanets directly,'"
"astronomers have not directly observed HD 20794d, nor taken a picture of it or even seen it in transit yet."
So, I am guessing that the editors just messed-up on the proper antecedent for "its luminosity" and are referring to the star, not the planet. A G6 star certainly gives more light to work with than the red dwarfs for which we have so many exoplanet sightings.
2. With a mass of 6.6 times that of the Earth, I would expect a much thicker atmosphere than any of the inner planets in our solar system. That might help stabilize its climate a lot, compared to Earth and Mars. And a water ocean plus "dry" land areas, particularly if they are glaciated so that ice survives more than 1 of that planet's years, would also help stabilize the climate.
3. The heat and climate in which life may have evolved could be under the ocean, in some sort of heat vent such as what we see on our midocean ridges. So even if the atmosphere freezes out and heats up to steaming conditions, some deep underwater habitats might be quite stable.
4. With a gravitational mass of 6.6 times Earth's, if its density is about the same as Earth's, then it would have an gravitational acceleration about twice Earth's on its surface. So, surface pressure would probably be substantially higher than Earth's, especially if it has a higher concentration of heavier gases, such as CO2, compared to O2 and N2 such as the situation on Venus. With a potentially thick and heavy atmosphere, water at the surface might not boil even in the heat of the planet's summer, although it would obviously evaporate faster when heated.
I hope I live long enough for those "next generation telescopes" to get some real data. -
Luminosity is sometimes meant as apparent luminosity, IMO. It's an oversight. That's how I took it. Planets are illuminated and aren't luminous, to your point, except in IR.Unclear Engineer said:So, I am guessing that the editors just messed-up on the proper antecedent for "its luminosity" and are referring to the star, not the planet. A G6 star certainly gives more light to work with than the red dwarfs for which we have so many exoplanet sightings.
Because it is close to us, I would bet it gets lots of study. We are entering a time when new scopes are geared to study atmospheres.Unclear Engineer said:2. With a mass of 6.6 times that of the Earth, I would expect a much thicker atmosphere than any of the inner planets in our solar system. That might help stabilize its climate a lot, compared to Earth and Mars. And a water ocean plus "dry" land areas, particularly if they are glaciated so that ice survives more than 1 of that planet's years, would also help stabilize the climate.
Will larger planets covered in clouds be cooler due to the increase in their albedo, assuming they aren't Venus-like? Will their atmospheres retain residual heat significantly longer. This system is, *cough", stated as being 14 Gyrs. old (give or take 5 Gyrs), though I favor "take" more than "give". ;)
So, perhaps the great age would make this exo much cooler than a younger one.
Though it is about 10% farther out past Mars using a solar equivalent distance, per my math, it is in the habitable zone thanks in part to its eccentricity.
I wonder how it got that 0.45 eccentricity? The sister planets known are less massive. Maybe there's a big one lurking farther out that avoided migration, or something.
Yes, I would expect its oceans might be as good as any for life, given we don't know much yet about that.Unclear Engineer said:3. The heat and climate in which life may have evolved could be under the ocean, in some sort of heat vent such as what we see on our midocean ridges. So even if the atmosphere freezes out and heats up to steaming conditions, some deep underwater habitats might be quite stable.
Its atmosphere, IMO, may one day be shown to avoid the extreme vaporization and freezing. Fast circulation rates would greatly help.
Well, don't leave too soon. *wink*Unclear Engineer said:I hope I live long enough for those "next generation telescopes" to get some real data.
Scopes like Plato (2026) will greatly improve our studies.
Future scopes list -
I do not see radius reported. 6.6 earth mass exoplanet with 2.0 earth radii, mean density 4.53 g cm^-3. Surface gravity compared to Earth would be about 1.65 earth g. It likely has a dense atmosphere. Need more data here before jumping to habitable and could have life :) -
Helio rod said:
I do not see radius reported. 6.6 earth mass exoplanet with 2.0 earth radii, mean density 4.53 g cm^-3. Surface gravity compared to Earth would be about 1.65 earth g. It likely has a dense atmosphere. Need more data here before jumping to habitable and could have life :)
Using a density table that varies with exo type, I get a radius of 1.68 earth radii. This equates to 2.1g and an escape velocity of 1.9x that of Earth.
There is a chart in a paper here.