Save 10% off all Unistellar products: Ideal savings ahead of the solar eclipse

Telescope in-use against starry sky
(Image credit: Jason Parnell-Brookes)

You can get 10% off all products on the Unistellar website until March 31. So, if you're looking to invest in a smart telescope or a solar filter ahead of the April 8 total solar eclipse, this is a great opportunity to save money. 

Save 10% on all Unistellar products across their website until March 31.

This is a handy discount for several reasons. We're a big fan of Unistellar's products and have reviewed the Unistellar eQuinox 2 and the eVscope 2 smart telescopes, rating them at 4.5/5 stars each.

If you're looking to next month's solar eclipse and you don't have a specialist solar telescope, binoculars or glasses, you'll need a sufficient solar filter. Unistellar smart telescopes are all compatible with their smart solar filter so you can start observing the sun and photograph it as we approach the total solar eclipse. 

If you're considering a smart telescope for skywatching, some of the best telescopes on the market are Unistellar models. The 10% discount allows you to save big bucks, but you'll have to act soon as the offer expires at the end of the month. If 10% isn't enough, you can always check out our telescope deals guide.

For more top discounts and skywatching equipment, take a look at our guides to the best solar viewing kit, best binoculars and binoculars deals.

Grab a pair of solar eclipse glasses ahead of the April 8 total solar eclipse so you can image and observe safely simultaneously.

The next total solar eclipse is on April 8 and will be visible in numerous spots across North America and Canada. While there will be a period of 'totality' where the moon will block out the sun's light, solar observation is unsafe without a sufficient filter or specialist equipment. The solar filter that Unistellar offers is made specifically for their telescopes, so you'll have to own the specific scope that the individual filter is designed for, to use it. It is important to note, a smart telescope on its own is not safe for viewing the sun directly.

This site-wide discount is useful for more than just next month's eclipse. Unistellar manufactures some of the best smart telescopes on the market and now's your chance to grab 10% off. We haven't had a chance to review their new Odyssey telescopes but, we have a Unistellar eQuinox 2 review and an eVscope 2 review too. We rate them highly and smart telescopes offer an easy and engaging experience to veteran and novice astronomers alike. Good night sky views, astrophotography opportunities, and automatic locating and tracking of targets are all usually available on smart models, making a 10% discount very tempting.

You can save 10% on all of Unistellar's products as this site-wide discount will run until March 31, meaning you can save on telescopes and accessories.

Solar eclipse glasses deals January 2025

Check out our roundups of the best discounts and deals on telescopes, binoculars, cameras, star projectors, drones, Lego and much more.

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Alexander Cox
E-commerce Staff Writer

STAFF WRITER, E-commerce — Alex joined in June 2021 as staff writer covering space news, games, tech, toys and deals. Based in London, U.K. Graduating in June 2020, Alex studied Sports Journalism in the North East of England at Sunderland University. During his studies and since his graduation, Alex has been featured in local newspapers and online publications covering a range of sports from university rugby to Premier League soccer. In addition to a background in sports and journalism, Alex has a life-long love of Star Wars which started with watching the prequel trilogy and collecting toy lightsabers, he also grew up spending most Saturday evenings watching Doctor Who. 

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