Watch a colossal X-class solar flare erupt from Earth-facing sunspot (video)

The sun has certainly had a busy weekend.

Not only has our star fired off multiple M-class solar flares, and coronal mass ejections (eruptions of magnetic field and solar plasma), but now it's topped it all off with a colossal X-class solar flare. 

The eruption peaked on July 28 at 10:33 p.m. EDT (0233 GMT on July 29), triggering shortwave radio blackouts across the sunlit portion of Earth at the time of the eruption which included most of Asia and Australia. 

Solar flares are eruptions from the sun's surface that release intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. These flares occur when the magnetic energy accumulated in the solar atmosphere is suddenly released. 

Related: May solar superstorm caused largest 'mass migration' of satellites in history

The X-class solar flare peaked at 10:33 p.m. EDT (0233 GMT on July 29). (Image credit: NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center)

The radiation from solar flares reaches Earth at the speed of light, ionizing the upper atmosphere upon arrival. This ionization creates a denser environment for high-frequency shortwave radio signals that facilitate long-distance communication. However, as these radio waves interact with electrons in the ionized layers, they lose energy due to increased collisions, which can degrade or entirely absorb the radio signals.

This loss of signal was detected over most of Asia and Australia during the recent X-flare eruption. 

Shortwave radio blackouts occurred over Asia and Australia.  (Image credit: NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center)

Solar flares are classified by size into different classes, with X-class flares being the most powerful. M-class flares are 10 times less powerful than X-class, followed by C-class flares, which are 10 times weaker than M-class. B-class flares are 10 times weaker than C-class, and A-class flares are 10 times weaker than B-class and have no noticeable impact on Earth. Each class is further divided by numbers from 1 to 10 (and beyond for X-class flares) to indicate the flare's relative strength. 

An X1.5-class solar flare erupts from the sun on July 29, 2024 as seen by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. (Image credit:

The impulsive X-flare on July 28/29 measured X1.5 according to Space Weather Live, as it erupted from sunspot region 3764. Forecasters have yet to determine whether an Earth-directed CME accompanied the solar flare according to NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center.  Scientists are awaiting coronagraph imagery to determine if an Earth-directed CME follows this activity.

If it did, it wouldn't be the only CME en route. Several CMEs are currently barreling toward Earth and are expected to start arriving on July 30. Their presence could trigger strong geomagnetic storm conditions and auroras at mid-latitudes.  

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Daisy Dobrijevic
Reference Editor

Daisy Dobrijevic joined in February 2022 having previously worked for our sister publication All About Space magazine as a staff writer. Before joining us, Daisy completed an editorial internship with the BBC Sky at Night Magazine and worked at the National Space Centre in Leicester, U.K., where she enjoyed communicating space science to the public. In 2021, Daisy completed a PhD in plant physiology and also holds a Master's in Environmental Science, she is currently based in Nottingham, U.K. Daisy is passionate about all things space, with a penchant for solar activity and space weather. She has a strong interest in astrotourism and loves nothing more than a good northern lights chase! 

  • Helio
    The show is likely not over.....

    That active region is pointing our direction, so a CME or two are possible, or worse.

  • BeyondInterstallar
    I don't understand why this is considered "Colossal" look at the 13 class X Solar Flares in May not to mention the class X 8.79 on May 14th, 2024. The Coronal Mass Eruptions are something completely different. This is not very Colossal. This is a minor Class X.
  • Helio
    BeyondInterstallar said:
    I don't understand why this is considered "Colossal" look at the 13 class X Solar Flares in May not to mention the class X 8.79 on May 14th, 2024. The Coronal Mass Eruptions are something completely different. This is not very Colossal. This is a minor Class X.
    Perhaps the blackouts had an effect in this elevated title.
  • BeyondInterstallar
    Helio said:
    Perhaps the blackouts had an effect in this elevated title.
    No. The blackout is mild and just mainly affecting North and South America. The Cornal Mass Eruption was not was very bad at all. The two that happened the day before were much worse with one being a full Halo CME. Which will affect the earth today and are expected to spike the KP Index to a 7. So it has been said that the Aurora can be seen as low as England, Belgium, the Netherlands and in the US possibly as low as Salt Lake City, Utah. As of right now the KP has only reached 5. We can only see what time will bring.

    Much love and respect,
  • BeyondInterstallar
    I saw a message from someone pertaining to the blackout affecting Asia. Upon the point that I posted and verified through the black out grid. It was affecting North, Central, and South America. That does not mean over time that will not change because the earth rotates. Unless you are one of those crazy flat Earth people. Again much love. Maybe I should write for
  • Helio
    The blackout occurred immediately when the flare was observed since it was the radiation blast, not the plasma blast from acme or flare, which takes time to travel outward.

    The map in the article shows Asia being impacted.

  • billslugg
    "Colossal" is undefined, anyone can use it any time they want to.
  • BeyondInterstallar
    Just like as of right now the radio black is affecting North, Central and South America. There's a lot of different things that you have to consider. Solar winds travel on average about 475km per second. It takes around 72 for a solar flare to hit the Earth it's not something that's instantaneous.
  • BeyondInterstallar
    As I stated space time can be delayed and also absorbed. So as I stated look forward to the best Aurora Borealis most have ever seen.
  • BeyondInterstallar
    billslugg said:
    "Colossal" is undefined, anyone can use it any time they want to.
    Colossal means, "of great size, extent, or degree as well as gigantic and huge." In architecture or means simply more than two stories. So I don't know what you read but you may want to read a bit more.